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ace5762 (DayZ)

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About ace5762 (DayZ)

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  1. I'm up in the air about the nature of weapon accuracy, but I certainly would like a more in depth injury system- one that compensates for getting shot in multiple areas of your body, rather than just headshots or bodyshots. And limbs breaking when getting shot is kind of dumb too- obviously you wouldn't be able to walk if you got shot in the leg, but there should be a seperate status effect for that. It might be more pertinent, therefore, to increase the number of cases where a player could survive immediately after a gunshot (albeit for a drastically short amount of time, and almost certainly going into shock + unconsious for a while if it was a critical shot), wherein players who take wounds from a gunshot will know exactly where they got shot and how serious the wound is, with their movement impaired as required. Healing process for getting shot should be different too- a random chance for the bullet to pass through your body or be lodged inside you (the latter requiring the use of pliers/forceps/knife to extract the bullet, with a greater health and blood deterioration), as well as dynamic health and blood loss depending on the bullet caliber. I think also, the shock/blood system needs to be replaced with shock/adrenaline ratios, where adrenaline is a stat related to blood, but goes up in several circumstances such as combat, or drinking caffeinated drinks. Adrenaline would drain faster than shock, so it would be necessary to curb your shock by treating wounds and taking pain medication as soon as possible.
  2. ace5762 (DayZ)

    Squeezing soaked clothes into bottles

    It would be best to open that up and make it more general- for example, we've got that gas lamps can have realtime interactions with the world. Why not apply the same thing to water containers? By leaving, say, a bucket outside while it rains, the bucket will gradually collect water the longer it's left out. With the obvious necessity of needing to be purified. I'm looking forward to fireplaces being implemented as a way to purify water again, too.
  3. ace5762 (DayZ)

    Some RP items and 'minigames'

    *nods* Assassin's creed is a great example of ambient minigames. They just add a little more depth to the world and they're well crafted. I certainly think there will come a time when players are stuck holed up in a barricaded building in a storm waiting for a hunting party to return, idling away the time playing cards or chess by gas light. It would really add to the world and the feel of the game, so yes- beans for you sir.
  4. ace5762 (DayZ)

    Vortek .50 Cal Black powder rifle

    All of my no is belong to this. There's a reason the barret and as50 were taken out of the mod.
  5. I can't help but wonder how a group of players would react if someone claimed they had O- blood when they were being held up. (O- blood can be successfully transfused to any donor with no risk) If it was a large group, would they attempt to enslave that player in some kind of twisted vampiric way?
  6. ace5762 (DayZ)

    Long term goals?

    This has probably been mentioned before but I'd like to bring it to note again. DayZ is a really fantastic example of an excellent and immersive sandbox, but it does suffer from one of the problems of sandboxes. That in the fact that there's a limit to the depth of the game past a certain point. For most players, the progression seems to be Spawn in->get gear->interact with other players. It's ok and the tense gameplay and the nature of PvE really makes that progression shine, but it does lack some kind of greater undertaking for players who have reached the end of it. Now, you might say that it's a sandbox and that it's directionless by intent, but that's not really the case. The affordances and mechanics of the game drive you to the progression I've described but not really to much else. This is a problem that goes all the way back to the mod, and while that did have vehicle fix-em-uppers and setting camps (which will obviously be in the SA as well eventually) as long term goals, it still came out that large groups or very experienced players would find very little beyond that (or at least, that was my experience). Anyway, what would you suggest as a long term goal for a group or experienced player in DayZ? One that people could be directed into, not necessarily by leading them by the nose, but by having mechanics that facilitated those goals. I suppose barricading and fortification come to mind. I once worked with a group in the mod whose goal was to establish a sovereign nation within the game world. Unfortunately, there wasn't really enough mechanics that would allow for it.
  7. ace5762 (DayZ)


    I'm sure these are things the devs would like to add, but it's a matter of optimization. The more of that kind of thing you add to the world, the heavier it becomes for clients and servers to handle. Perhaps if such things were added, it would be possible to turn beautification elements on or off on the server side, so you would have sets of servers that were powerful and were stamped with "Beautified" on the description, and were generally meant for players with more powerful pcs.
  8. ace5762 (DayZ)

    compact folding survival bow

    Yeah, I'm down for a bow or a few kinds of bow. I actually used to play with the crossbow a lot in the mod, once quivers were introduced, it became a surprisingly effective, versatile weapon. I mean, one would certainly expect a handful of people to have been archers for leisure or hunting in Chernarus prior to the outbreak. You could, in a wished for scenario, break it into 4 kinds of bow that could be found: Recurve bow- standard athletic bow that needs to be assembled or unfolded before use. Obviously makes up for it's hassle by being silent, and taking up little inventory space should one wish to carry it as a backup weapon in their inventory. Compound bow- this would have to be a rarer find. This is more of a competitive bow that does have variants made specifically as weapons. They are rigid in structure, using a bent-inward shape, with strung cables and a pulley system to increase draw strength. A coumpound bow would be equally silent, and hit with greater accuracy and damage. These kinds of bow often fall under weapon restrictions in many countries and require licenses to own, or are not commercially available to the public. Longbow- might be familiar with this one, this is probably the standard thing one thinks of as a bow. Modern Longbow or 'Traditional' archery is not as widely spread, but still prevalent among some groups. Longbows tend not to have the draw strength that Compound bows or Recurve bows have. Crossbow- self explanatory Additionally, if fletching was made a subset of crafting in the game, a player could potentially fletch their own arrows or an improvised bow with access to the right materials. Obviously these are just ideas bouncing around, I'd be pretty happy just to see one kind of bow in the game.
  9. ace5762 (DayZ)

    Non-lethal weapons?

    Absolutely. I think this is also the function of the tazer in DayZ overwatch (a sidearm)
  10. ace5762 (DayZ)

    UK25 Script user report

    I need to open this up again. Players I've been playing with have been reporting that they are being teleported into the debug area and killed by a player named 'dark'. This is currently still going on as I type- 6.09PM BST 18 Sep 2013. Server population dropped from >30 to 7 in under quarter of an hour. Logged out at the time but was informed by people still playing about the situation, hoping they'll post here with more details.
  11. ace5762 (DayZ)

    Morse code?

    Fantastic how small minded some people can be. Especially anyone who uses the phrase 'this is just a game' clearly undervalues the potential of the medium here. First of all, you're not being forced to learn morse code- it would just be there for people to use if they want to. Heck, it's not even a whole lot to add, just one loot item with a image file and a tune up of the flashlight on/off response time. Like Chabowski says, why would it be such a stretch of the imagination to suggest that someone might try learning something in a game to enhance their experience? And if it's actually something they're learning in game using the code sheet, why is that so different from learning anything else about the mechanics of the game, like knowing the best loot spawns or how to interact with other players without getting your head blown off? And especially something that would add to the world in that way, seeing as flashlights are common in the game and morse code is the primary form of emergency communication?
  12. ace5762 (DayZ)

    Morse code?

    This might not be as grand as other suggestions, but I did wonder if flashlights were tweaked to work properly (sometimes they don't turn on and off properly when pressing 'L') that Morse code might be a useful form of medium distance communication in the standalone if radios are required for speaking to players from long distances. Obviously this might be something that players might just adopt in natural course, but it might be neat to nudge them in that direction if Morse code sheets were dropped in as loot items, which players could bring up on their screen with a keybinding. Could be an interesting way of leading players to learn Morse code by playing it, or even the phonetic alphabet. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morse_code
  13. ace5762 (DayZ)

    UK25 Script user report

    Never thanked you properly for this- thank you for looking into this for me, the whole situation seemed untoward and I'm sure I'm right in saying we don't want any hackers on the server.
  14. ace5762 (DayZ)

    UK25 Script user report

    Server: UK25 (Chernarus, Vanilla, official) Time of occurance was 29 August, 2013 ~04:40 GMT+1 Events of incident: Player with username 'Dark' logged into the server while I was the only player currently online, was instantly very close to my location with a motorbike, although I did not see him actually appear from thin air. Was not in any of the player hotspots at the time, so while this is not impossible, it seems like a very suspicious occurance. Was also carrying a AK107 with PSO scope, which I do not think is available on the standard chernarus map. The player was subsequently kicked multiple times with many reattempted logins, server reported that the player had been kicked for 'script violation' of varying number identities. Unfortunately I did not think to capture a screenshot, so I am unable to provide evidence to support this personally. I would however, be much obliged if the server administrators for UK25 could review the server logs taken during this time period.
  15. To the people who are getting upset, you should probably go talk to Rocket about your grievances if you want something done rather than harp on about how the game is 'meant' to be played. It's the job of the designer to set the bounds of the experience and ensure that exploits like this don't crop up.