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Everything posted by ke-

  1. hey all, ill explain how i got into and out of the debug plains, about a week ago i ran north up the east coast, just kept running and running to were the sea comes in like a cove, from that point, i ran north for about 40 mins, ended up in debug plains, so if i ran north, its obvious to run south right? (i got a compass btw) so ran south for about 50 mins ish, nothin but plains, so i logged out, logged back in, everyone now was spawnin in debug plains, i tryed running east for 40 - 50 mins, bored, logged out, logged back in, all spawning in the plains again!! grrrr, so now i try running west, i got some blutac, stuck my forward key down and just sat and watched, about 15 mins in, i see a cow, i gut it, 5 more mins running west, i see a goat, then a chicken, within about 40mins, i ended up up at the edge of the map south west were the road and the trainlines begin, i just ran east then till i came to kamenka, hope this helps