datguy (DayZ)
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Week 3 Ivan and Martin arrested. Show them you care
datguy (DayZ) replied to Mysticales's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
no beans for greece. -
Professional writer, huh? Cool story bro.
I fill my canteens from the dew at green mountain. Green mountain dew taste like virgins and victory.
Hotfix Build Rolling Update
datguy (DayZ) replied to rocket's topic in Mod Announcements & Info
Tents & vehicles are fixed? Cool. Rings hitmen to cancel contract -
Your player base grew exponentially for months on end until and for the last month it's been stuck on ~110,000 players in the last 24 hours.{edit: now down to 90,000.} I hope this fact isn't lost on you. As soon as you decided being at PAX was more important than fixing what was broken, the growth of players ground to a halt. The growth of the game died. People lost interest. I've still got the Day Z mod installed, I hope one day you decide it's time to start working on the vehicle, tent and graphical bugs. But if you don't, I don't care. I already owned ArmA II, I didn't buy it to play this mod. And for the last month, I haven't bothered to play it. What the point? You can only keep gear on you, and that, you only keep until some script kid decides to nuke the server. But that's not the point, really, is it? It's an alpha. I'm here to test shit. Unfortunately, there's been nothing new to test for a month, so I've been putting my time into the other games in dev I'm alpha and beta testing. But I think it's great you've got 100,000 people coming back to play, every day, from exactly the same point they were at a month ago. I think it's great the only people who can be arsed with this mod are people who can reset a server when they log in and by doing so get their vehicles and tents back (as long as they haven't saved them since the patch). That's a really cool way to run a survival sim, Lets just survive the same fucking day with the same fucking shit, over and over and over again. Day Z? Groundhogday Z more like it. Here's hoping being interviewed gets just as boring for you as playing the same busted ass patch for the last month got for me. Maybe then we'll see some progress. Until then, enjoy your time in the spotlight as a clown in the gaming media circus. See you if/when the next patch drops. edit 2: is here. patching. mutter mutter grumble something something fries with those words I'm eating
I will never be a bandit. Survivor nice-guy stories
datguy (DayZ) replied to IroquoisPliskin (DayZ)'s topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Best moment in game so far (edit: happened about a month ago): Had just been murdered, forget how, like I care, it's a game, you think I'm mad about a game? lol @ you. anyway, spawned west of elektro. I'm making a run, without a map or supplies, back up to the north where the clan is. I declined a pickup and said I just wanted to run it back north. As I cross the train tracks, I spot a survivor on the hill above me. I run up, he's unarmed, after all, and I have nothing to lose. I engage him on direct chat "hey buddy, how are ya? Surviving OK?" He just looks at me. Nothing. I say again "hey buddy, how's it going?" again nothing. he's standing. The penny drops. "If you're new and you have a mic, press comma until it says direct chat, then use caps lock to talk." A couple of seconds later "hi, can you hear me?" he asks "yep, how you doing, you're new, aren't you?" "yeah!" he says "this is my first time playing this game, how can you tell?" So I get onto teamspeak and let the guys know I've found a survivor and I won't be running back to join them, going to go hit prigorodky with this guy and show him the ropes. They tell me I'm an idiot, and he'll kill me as soon as he gets a gun. I decide to chance it. "well to start with, you're standing up." I show him how to crouch and prone. I show him how to switch between walking and running. I say, lets go get some supplies and weapons, and off we go. On our way, we stumble across a broken ATV, I explain it needs to be fixed, but show him how to get on and off it, how to check the gear. I show him what the peripheral indicators are, how they work, and why they're useful. I show him how to sneak past zombies. We get to the barn, I show him how to pick up items, how to use the pack, and the momnent of truth arrives. There's a winnie on the ground in the barn. "okay, there's a gun here. You take it, but remember, if you kill me, you're on your own from now on. You have to decide, do you want to make a friend, or do you want to make a kill." We continue to loot, we find more guns, engine parts, spare tires, bigger packs, jerrycans. pretty soon we've got everything we need to fix the ATV, so we go back and I give him instructions as he repairs the quad. I drive, and he rides shotgun. We go on for another hour or so before the boys come back on TS and ask what I'm doing. I tell them I'm hanging out with my new buddy, but I'm over it, to come and pick me up. I get off the ATV and tell the guy "ok, what just happened, between you and me, is pretty rare in this game. Most people you meet will try to kill you on sight. But some people will help you. It's up to you to decide if you're going to trust people, or if you're going to fear them. It's up to you if you're going to be a man to be trusted, or if you're just going to kill. But remember, the first person you ever met in this game helped you." He thanked me, I wished him luck, I got off the quad and said he could have it, we had more vehicles than we needed anyway. The chopper arrived, I took out an M4A1 CCO SD and 4 mags and gave them to him as a parting gift and I was out of there. Like I said, best experience in Day Z so far. I helped someone and they were grateful. I made someone else's gaming experience richer and more fun. And It was great. try it yourself some time if you don't believe me. ******* -
Bandit Diaires CANCELLED
datguy (DayZ) replied to rhinocrunch's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
An earlier post I made about why I'm not a bandit. Thought you might enjoy it. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/35744-i-will-never-be-a-bandit-survivor-nice-guy-stories/page__st__20#entry359234 -
Bandit Diaires CANCELLED
datguy (DayZ) replied to rhinocrunch's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Hi Rhino, long time watcher, first time commenter. Your epiphany was as inevitable as it was futile. Day Z won't change because you have. But, I applaud your change of heart. Here's to behaving humanely and ethically, not because you have to, but because it's who you realised you really are. I think because there are no rules, and there is no endgame, what Rocket says is more true than many people will admit. You yourself define your conduct in this mod. You come up with your own reasons to act the way you do. You act out the scenarios you want to act out. You justify things in way you personally accept. The kind of emotional and intellectual schism you've experienced has changed you as a person. The game hasn't changed shit, but you've changed because of how you played it. The heavy emphasis on reality in this mod is in part due to it being based on one of the best military sim franchises in the gaming industry. But it also owes much of it's realism to the freedom it gives players. There's no reason to act in any particular way. All you need to survive is matches a hatchet a knife and a canteen, everything else is a non essential item. It's truly a sandbox, and you make the sandcastles or kick down the ones others build. You're free to be whoever you want to be. That number again, whoever YOU WANT to be. Most people are essentially pretty dumb. They don't think much nor deeply. They're about as introspective and enlightened as One Direction fans. You on the other hand, have had yourself something of an epiphany, a profound moment of reflection and realisation about the nature of yourself. Helped along of course by the screaming protests of your subconscious. I'm willing to bet, the most terrifying thing about the dreams you had wasn't the physical horror or any sense of being out of control, but a deep and disturbing sense of guilt, with extreme and probably quite frightening feelings of remorse and fear of repurcussions, real feelings that persisted for at least a few minutes after you woke, about your actions in your dreams. It's not the nightmare that got you, it was waking up and having to deal with the feelings. No, I'm not a mind reader, I just know a thing or two about PTSD. Now, when most people's psyche speaks to them in that way, they repress or redirect the trauma, making it about something else, absolving themselves without facing the real reason for the feelings of guilt. You've had the uncommon good sense to be able to deconstruct the experience, decided what you don't like about it, and changed at the only level that matters, at a personal level. For that I commend you. But, fellow traveler on the long, lonely road to redemption, human decency and a clear conscience, I tell you this. Don't expect the world to change because you did. Don't expect to not run into doppelgangers of your past self. Don't expect that any of this in any way matters, except on the only level that matters, the personal level. Some people, on a personal level, are totally okay with being murderous fucking assholes. That's something about this game otherwise sheltered people are learning, the world is not full of nice people. I don't mean, there's terrorists in far flung countries who would drink your blood if they weren't so far away, I mean your best mate might fuck your wife or girlfriend tomorrow because he doesn't give a fuck about morality or your feelings. Someone you work with would take money from your wallet if you ever left it in the lunch room. Any one of a dozen people you walk past in the next two hours could be suffering emotionally for some reason, driven beyond reason and you might become the target of an enraged, senseless, violent attack. The world is a dark and horrible place, filled with ill mannered monsters whose scales and claws are covered by thinnest veneers of human skin. Within us all is a voice that tames the beast, but not all of us listen or heed it's words, for it speaks softly to us, in our sleep, while the monster roars while our blood is hottest and our mind it's wildest. But what I see you've learned is perhaps the most important and highest ethical truth, at the end of the day, you're either able to lay your own head down on a pillow to get a good night's sleep, or you're plagued by nightmares. It's your head, it's your pillow. If you want to torture yourself every night for the rest of your life, be an asshole. You won't be alone. But if you want to wake in the morning without the guilt, to start every new day fresh and clean, then it's up to you to live up to your own standards. When you die, absolutely nobody is going to give a fuck. But while you live, at least you'll be a force for good in the world. And you won't be alone in that, either. -
The Truth - A Guide to Surviving Hackers
datguy (DayZ) replied to proxyguy's topic in New Player Discussion
Prison rape: Natures revenge against hackers. -
Finally Lost My Spirit in the Game
datguy (DayZ) replied to IncrediBurch's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
pffft, I didn't even get my car stolen, I just accidentally saved it and it disappeared on server restart. whoops. so long 2 Mk48 Mod Os, 2x L85, 1 CCO SD, heaps of ammo, spare camos etc etc etc. Guess I'll just have to go steal more :) -
People who murder bandits =/= heroes
datguy (DayZ) replied to Ozelot (DayZ)'s topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Bandit. Survivor. Hero. Hacker. You're all just targets to me. If I could carve the meat off your corpse and eat it I would. Does that make me a bad person? No. But your mum does. -
Will dogs be friendly in 1.7.3?
datguy (DayZ) replied to BwobBwub's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
cool. something else to break in the following update. -
datguy (DayZ) started following AndyTheBomb
AndyTheBomb started following datguy (DayZ)
look on the bright side, you get to have a different color name on the forum. I bet that gets you hooked up tight with all the babes. Or not. But at least you get to feel special. Or not. Think of all the special, special people who look up to you. Or not. Oh well, at least you'll be getting a free copy of THE STAND ALONE if/when it ever comes out. Or not.
It used to be better. 17 days ago, before the patch that broke tents and vehicles, back when people were working on this mod, not circle jerking with game-media wankers about the stand alone version that might be ready one day. ah, those were the days. you could find and repair a vehicle, save it, log off, and when you logged back on it would be where you left it. or put a gun or two in a tent, and save that, and come back a day later and still have things in your tent. those were the days. tbh I stopped playing DayZ 2 weeks ago because of that shit being so busted ass broken. you tell that to kids these days and they won't believe you.
DayZ US 1337 hacker hacking
datguy (DayZ) replied to Hobowithrpg's topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
Beans for glorious Russian accent comrade.