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About vithorav

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. vithorav

    Has anyone reached the edge of the world yet?

    its just a plane terrain
  2. vithorav


    why bases are so difficulty to build, so hard in find materials and spotting a right place to build, but in the end so weak ? I think that bases and raid system should be rework quickly, my relate is that i spend a week building like 19 gates on those empty builds, my loot wasn't even good, but they manage to destroy it, and in one night, one.... night, some short of clan destroyed everything with grenades, thats no fair, i mean the time to build vs the time to destroy doesnt match the gameplay, its a survival game, no clash of clans; and bases is so stagnant, you can't even chose the side the gate can be open, I think I will quit playing it for an while after this.
  3. everytime i playing, the game crash and says that the server, which is dayz sa sp 5140, say connecting failed, but the server is on, my friends can connect normal, and the others official servers, like dayz us ny, which the ping is too high, connect normal
  4. vithorav

    Servers problem

    same problem, all official servers dayz SA SP keep kick me and the others works just fine