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Everything posted by cerberuscx

  1. cerberuscx


    I can survive in this new patch. I just spent about 4 hours scavenging on a character I have had up for a couple of weeks and though I must say I no longer enjoy the game, I can survive within it. Basically, discharging a sidearm inside a house should not require 4 additional mags just to kill all the zombies that came after you as a result. After that, I made a new character on a new profile and died several times trying to get used to not being able to shoot things if I made a mistake. That was awesome, about the only hour of my 6 or 7 hour session today that I enjoyed. Please never let us start with guns again. After that it was the same deal as before. All of the fun was just sucked dry. Been playing this game for over a month now and all I can say is after this patch, I will not be returning to the servers until something is done about this agro radius. If it turns out that this is the way it will be from here on out then I guess I will miss the single most impressive gaming experience I have ever had the pleasure of taking part in.