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About Swadedtx

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  1. Swadedtx

    Is it possible put log out zones in the game???

    2 Different posters read the name… You are a cheater though… It sounds like you know alot about the different glitches so I’m willing to bet you cheat even more…
  2. Swadedtx

    Is it possible put log out zones in the game???

    So you’re saying it’s impossible to prove you wrong? The reason this game struggles to grow is because of cheaters and the fact this game doesn’t have much of a structure to it.
  3. Swadedtx

    Is it possible put log out zones in the game???

    The reason bases are useless is because they often get raided give people a reason to build bases as spots to log in and out of… I play dayz on console and the game plays like crap on community servers. Yes there are issues with the game and people come on a forum to suggest how to improve it. You sound like you cheat why are you so worried about my post you’re the one who seems angry. You’re just making excuses the game has problems and you came into a suggestions part of the board and are offended by my suggestion. Yes little buddy you seem slow… “PC has hackers, so don’t complain”
  4. Swadedtx

    Is it possible put log out zones in the game???

    437 hours Why would that even matter? You did refer to my base being raided…. You must be slow….
  5. Swadedtx

    Is it possible put log out zones in the game???

    No I raided a base and the owner had alt accounts and logged in and out of the base… Did you even read? Maybe you’re just slow…
  6. Swadedtx

    Is it possible put log out zones in the game???

    You can use them to move around but you can’t use them to get a jump on people who log off the moment it becomes night time and the server dies. Do you people really not understand the reason why this game can’t grow and people stop playing this game? The logging out is a major issue… On Playstation people just use multiple accounts so they can cheat the system I’m jot even sure I’m going to play this trash ass “game” anymore. Most of yall are cheaters who do cheesy garbage and don’t care about grinding it out on the game.
  7. Swadedtx

    Is it possible put log out zones in the game???

    Honestly I might be done with this game I successfully took over someones base and the fact that there are no sleeping bags to that I can destroy to force them to spawn somewhere else and take everything that I successfully raided is trash…. I also think I was killed from someone signing off and signing back on so that they could see through walls…. Yall are trash at videogames for saying some of this garbage…. This isn’t a real game because it has no structure. I like the gun mechanics but the fact that people can just sign on to certain spots is fuckin ridiculous and your trash for making these type of excuses for a broken game. Honestly I think yall are morons or cheaters who have never played tactical shooters…
  8. Swadedtx

    Is it possible put log out zones in the game???

    People can camp anywhere, other Survival games do this without a problem. Escape from Tarkov has spots and yes people will occasionally camp spots but it’s not a problem. I think most survival games not named Minecraft and DayZ have places where you log off. By not putting restrictions in thus game you have restricted the use-fullness in the majority of other elements in the game like NVG, bases, and gun fights. So tell me again which element do you really think prevents the player-base from growing…. An element that is in most successful loot/survival games like logging out in zones and bases or….. Not being able to use the specialty items you gathered because of this bogus log off everywhere garbage where you can’t even be rewarded with a kill?
  9. Swadedtx

    Is it possible put log out zones in the game???

    You do know most multiplayer matches in any sports game are shooter takes 30-45min right? Stop making up excuses, you probably combat log or just want to do some cheap garbage. Anytime i play a game I generally know when I need to get off and you just plan for it. Every video game punishes you for having a life outside of the game. Just admit you like to take advantage of a cheap element of the game. Rust is a bigger game and you can log off in certain areas. How many survival games let you log off everywhere?
  10. Swadedtx

    Is it possible put log out zones in the game???

    ^it’s in rust….
  11. Is there a reason like engine limitations as to why we can just log out anywhere on the map??? Why not make it to where if a character logs out their loot drops if it’s not in a certain zone, like the edge of the map or at your base? It would change the whole game if there was a higher level off punishment for logging out other than a 15 second timer…. Restricting where you can log out would create a need for NVGs and make the game more interesting. Playing at night would be a whole different animal and I feel if this was implemented you would definitely see a decrease in people logging out the moment the sunsets. Combat logging is a major issue and I think logout zones should be a number 1 priority to making this a true survival game, It would completely change the risk/reward factor that makes this game so compelling.