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Posts posted by tactix789

  1. Glad you are enjoying the game, i know i am.

    Most of the ever present "Rabblers" you find on forums just like these only aim to further there own agenda (often just to cause grief) and are not actually interested in discussion.

    Seems an abundant condition of human beings, being unable to share differing ideas and discuss them cordially. If you take into consideration that most people avoid others that do not agree with them (in RL) its not very suprising to find the hodgepodge of people clustered together via the internet unable to properly communicate.


  2. Is it necessary for shadow detail to be so high? Shadows always seem like a luxury effect. I would keep them on the lowest you can so you can still see a shadow but resource power is spent elsewhere; on other areas that would require a higher detail.

    If you have a relatively modern GPU, it seems setting Shadows to very high insures they are rendered by the graphics card.

    I get better performance with Shadows at VeryHigh then i do at High.

    Alot of ArmaII graphics/performance posts suggest this very thing, thats the only reason i even tried it, as like you i always assumed it would be the reverse. Reminds me of FSX (Flight Sim) in alot of ways, some settings being turned down actually hurt performance on modern machines.

  3. -snip-

    I will try that' date=' but lol fuck no to post processing. Feels like I am playing with beer goggles.


    Yes the Post Processing is definitely player preference.

    I've tried every combination of every setting in there' date=' and the settings in my Nvidia control panel. It HAS to be my CPU. Your i5 crushes my Phenom II in every sense of the word. Hell my CPU is probably a bottleneck for my 670.


    Yes i doubt your getting 70% of what that 670 can do, and ArmaII seems to be very Cpu dependant (as with any complex game) not sure there is much you can do about that besides an upgrade or OC.

  4. Nvidia users, id suggest turning AA off and forcing FXAA in your graphics control panel.

    Yeah its not as nice as with AA but 50-60 fps near everywhere is worth it for me.

    My ingame settings


    The Terrain and Objects detail only seems to effect grass as far as i can see, and it still looks great (pretty huge performance increase)

