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Everything posted by johnnieconcrete

  1. johnnieconcrete

    I pulled a shane

    Why didnt you just run through a building, 2 players together are better than 1, I think that was just selfish and a move that puts you in more jeopardy that you were in I'll bet you never last past 2 dayz
  2. johnnieconcrete

    Kicking of Players for Clan members

    I know its not fair to be kicked out of a server for someone else but when it is a paying member of that server I am afraid you are going to get kicked. END OF STORY
  3. johnnieconcrete

    Gunrunners Arms Dealing

    Do you have any beartraps, sandbags or satchel charges I have one of everything except those Thanks
  4. johnnieconcrete

    Selling two ( 2x ) Satchel Charges!!!!

    I have an AS50 3 mags, L85 3 mags or an SD CCO
  5. johnnieconcrete

    Trading anything for a radio

    and what will it do if no one else has one ?????????
  6. johnnieconcrete

    Looking for Satchel Charges

    I have both if you need them
  7. What is soldier clothing??????
  8. johnnieconcrete

    Consequences of player killing - a new direction!

  9. johnnieconcrete

    What is rocket doing about dc'ing players

    WTF are you serious, Ive got two kids and will play for 10 - 15 mins a time, so I will get punished for having to log out because its all gone to shit in the garden
  10. johnnieconcrete

    I'm on a BOAT.. But how do i....

    LOL, good spot
  11. Dont give players false hope, if you can do it for one you can do it for another, You cant do shit for players WHY IS THIS THREAD EVEN OPEN
  12. i spawned at the sea with standard equipment, i could have done that my self
  13. Hi vipeax, My in game name is *OCB* Johnnie Concrete Player ID 10126278 I spawned in the wilderness with every single piece of equipment gone, after a corrupt memory error Is it possible to restore my equipment and last playing position as my vehicle was parked there Thanks in advance JC
  14. Our sever has been crashing at random, up to 5 times an hour, since the 3rd of July. This is taking the mick, we have sent many e-mails requesting support and nothing is happening. Good, hard and well earned money has been payed for this service VILAYER SORT OUT YOUR SUPPORT:(:(:(