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About Adenyo

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    On the Coast
  1. I'm just using Ubuntu bro, Steam and DayZ run fine (even community servers) Only thing I needed to do on my system is add `vm.max_map_count=2097152` to /etc/sysctl.conf, otherwise the game would crash pretty often. It's worth noting that the DayZ launcher doesn't work in proton (at least last time I checked), so for mods / community servers, I use this command line launcher: https://github.com/bastimeyer/dayz-linux-cli-launcher Then I set up aliases in my .bashrc file like: alias dayz_dayone_namalsk='/home/user/Documents/DayZ/dayz-linux-cli-launcher/dayz-launcher.sh --debug --server --port 2303 --launch --name usernamehere' (the port after the IP is the server port, and the port after the --port flag is the query port, used to find out what mods are required for the server, you can find both of these when looking at servers on https://www.battlemetrics.com/ ) Hope that helps you get started!
  2. Feedback: It seems like cooking sounds are bugged, as soon as I start baking food (either at a campfire with a sharpened stick, or at a fireplace indoors) the sound of the food burning plays as soon as the food starts cooking. The sound doesn't change once the food is baked either, just the burning sound all the way through. Haven't seen this reported yet, so thought I'd create an account to post it here, is anyone else experiencing this?