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Everything posted by thisisbleep

  1. thisisbleep


    Rocket said that player co-ordinates outside of the map are not saved on the Hive, so when you re-log you should be automatically moved onto the map. I have never had this happen so I cannot test it, but if it happens to you try logging out and back in to see if you are moved to the map or if it was not fixed as mentioned previously.
  2. thisisbleep

    From Console to PC

    The current generation of consoles are out of date when compared to mid-level PCs, even when they are launched you can surpass it if you spend enough on a PC. The main convenience is knowing that your Xbox etc. can play the game that you paid for, with a PC it is always a risk that your PC is not good enough or the game just does not like one of your components (AMD vs. Intel CPUs and AMD vs. Nvidia GPUs for example). Ultimately the convenience and security sells it, plus they tend to be played whilst sitting on a sofa and connected to a TV instead of sat at a desk on an uncomfortable chair and face next to the monitor. This is changing though, all new graphics cards come with HDMI ports now so you can easily connect your PC to the TV and use it as a multimedia hub and for playing games. I have my PC connected to a 42" LG TV and sit approximately 2 metres from it, the only downside is the text is very small for some things but you can adjust settings in Windows and zoom in on web pages to improve this. Now is a good time to buy a console for a cheap package with some free games, if you want to play older games from the past 3 years. If you want top graphics now (personally graphics mean nothing, I enjoy playing classic games as much modern ones, it is all about gameplay) then get a PC, otherwise wait for the next generation of consoles which will be out sooner or later.
  3. thisisbleep

    Broken Flashlight

    Put it back in the toolbelt when it stops working and then re-equip. That is the best way that I have found to get it working again.
  4. thisisbleep

    Hospital Windows?

    Please use the search function in the future, this gets asked often and you would already know the answer. Here is one that I replied to today: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/46492-cant-break-glass-from-the-hospitalfactory/
  5. thisisbleep

    Running/Crouch Running Toggle Stops

    You can also toggle: Ctrl Q E If you don't have a weapon you cannot see it, but it will stop you from running. Also you cannot run up steep slopes, but recently I noticed that it has been relaxed a bit so that running whilst standing works up some slopes but not double tapping W.
  6. thisisbleep

    G17 Question

    The admin sets the time zone, they are allowed to pick what they want but after that should not keep changing it.
  7. All of the windows should be breakable, you should do what you find works best. That is why I put "My method".
  8. thisisbleep

    Does Day/Night not read correctly on servers?

    If the server is not restarted regularly the game time can go out of sync as well. I have even seen people mention that one person sees it as daytime and others have it as night-time whilst playing together on the same server.
  9. Post here: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/forum/13-dayz-gallery/ This is not the correct place to promote your live stream.
  10. thisisbleep

    Horrible Massive Lag Spikes

    Have you optimised the video settings? There are a few guides which you can search for, which include things like disabling the AA and vsync. Are the drivers up-to-date (someone has else already asked)? Is this issue on all servers or do you experience this on specific servers? A bad server can cause your game to freeze, I have played on a server which caused my game to momentarily freeze every 4-5 seconds. The PC is more than capable of running the game, but it could be a problem with something running in the background (sixlauncher needs to be closed when you pick a server, because it automatically refreshes the server list in the background. I recommend switching to "DayZ Commander") or you have viruses or malware. If you do not perform regulary (monthly or more frequent) maintenance on your PC I strongly recommend it and can give a list of free programs to use.
  11. thisisbleep


    I personally do not use the num-pad, as far as I am aware it is only used to look around and I hold down "alt" and use the mouse to look around.
  12. You have it the wrong way around, everyone is saying that the doors are bullet proof and the windows are the part which get broken. I have never tried to break the glass on the doors, but it is not smashed when the windows are so I tend to agree with everyone else. Plus I have broken the glass numerous times by hitting the windows. My method: Hit the second or third window from the left end. The far left window doesn't seem to break for me but the second or third window breaks every time. Also be aware that desync can cause some players to see the glass broken and others cannot see it.
  13. thisisbleep


    No, see my post above. They have said that they are developing a better system. It is probably on the website for testing, but is hidden from the public until it is ready.
  14. thisisbleep

    Regarding Negative Attitude Towards Complaints

    This is the reason why. Especially because there is a specific board for posting bugs, which people don't bother to use.
  15. thisisbleep

    DayZ standalone mac compatible?

    Macs are not designed for gaming and game developers don't bother to make games or fully port them for OSX, probably because of the first point and the number of people who would want to play it on a Mac is too small to justify it. It is best if you just use WINE or bootcamp to get it running, but that will impact the performance.
  16. thisisbleep


    They are recording lots of things about each individual player, they are developing a way to link your account to the website/forums. Just be patient.
  17. thisisbleep

    do not join chicago 47

    There was most likely someone cheating on the server, they can do it on any server. If you see it happening it is best to quit the server and change to a new one until it dies down and the cheater gets bored.
  18. thisisbleep

    DayZ Lets Play Worth a watch!

    Post here: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/forum/13-dayz-gallery/ This is not the correct place to promote your videos.
  19. This has been brought up before, the last person even included definition of bullets vs. rounds. 95% or more people have no military training, so it is not going to change any time soon. Yes we all have something which we can't stand to hear, because you know better, but you just have to ignore it.
  20. thisisbleep

    Files not signed by a key accepted by this server

    Have you tried to delete the "@DayZ" folder and reinstall the mod?
  21. thisisbleep

    I'm a new player - and this seems SOO hard

    Top tip: Look at all of the threads which offer tips on the forum, instead of making a new thread to ask for it to be handed to you on a silver platter :rolleyes: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/10051-index-of-helpful-threads/
  22. thisisbleep

    Files not signed by a key accepted by this server

    Does the version of Arma II beta that you installed match what is running on the server?
  23. thisisbleep

    1st or 3rd

    3rd person view gives a more realistic view, it gives you peripheral vision. There are downsides, such as being able to look around corners etc., but in real life you could be much more hidden rather than tilting your entire upper body like in the game, so it is a fair balance. I rarely use 1st person, when I need to fire the gun I use the right mouse button to look through the sights of the gun, which gives a 1st person view.
  24. thisisbleep

    Pending Update: Build

    I gave up after reading 13 pages, I really wish people would just read all of the information instead of ranting/arguing/whining about stuff which is not in their control (we are testing Rocket's mod, we have no ownership of DayZ) and has already been covered. I look forward to the update :)
  25. thisisbleep

    Is This DayZ Install Guide Reliable?

    "DayZ Commander" is now also capable of installing and keeping DayZ up-to-date. It is stickied at the top of the page on the general board.