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Everything posted by thisisbleep

  1. thisisbleep

    Constant annoyances

    Have you tried modifying your firewall and any other settings which could influence it? There might be an issue because something like McAfee is interfering with the connection.
  2. thisisbleep

    Constant annoyances

    Was the servers close to you and with a low ping? Are you running the most up-to-date version of DayZ and the Arma II beta? Did your version of the game match the server?
  3. thisisbleep

    Vehicles disappear after tire popped?

    Did you check the place where it was last saved? People have mentioned script restriction 55 kicking people in helicopters as well, so it should be a known problem.
  4. thisisbleep

    What happens if I find a hacked gun, or vehicle?

    Rocket has said no, but you do risk getting flagged and being monitored. I am sure that there is a system in place (or will be later) which monitors it. If you use a hacked item once I am sure that nothing will be done, but if you keep getting items they will become suspicious (e.g. a hacker friend who keeps giving you cheated items). Don't forget about all of the people who currently dupe legitimate items, they are as much to blame for cheating as the hackers and I hope that they get punished as well.
  5. thisisbleep

    So what is being done about teleporters?

    Cheating stems from the core Arma II game, so it is down to BIS to deal with blocking scripts but I doubt they will be effective at it because they have already had years to fix this. As for other exploits such as running from combat, ghosting etc. there are things which Rocket will include to stop or punish this, but you need to be patient. Alpha mod = not complete and still needs features to be added.
  6. thisisbleep

    Red Dots for DayZ servers In Arma 2?

    Delete the "beta" and "addons" folder and try again before you re-install everything, it should fix it.
  7. thisisbleep

    Red Dots for DayZ servers In Arma 2?

    You have not correctly installed the mod. Download and install "DayZ Commander", it will update Arma II and install the latest version of DayZ for you.
  8. thisisbleep

    When you die, do you keep your Ghillie suit?

    You cannot take the clothing from the dead body, but you can take it if it is in their inventory or backpack.
  9. thisisbleep

    Veteran player streaming new character

    Post here: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/forum/13-dayz-gallery/ This is not the correct place to promote your live stream.
  10. thisisbleep

    telported to middle of fire fight?

    There is no point in posting about hackers, we all know that they are there and there is not much if anything that can be done (blame BIS, not Rocket). I hope that soon there will be another BattlEye purge to ban a load of the script kiddies, but there are ways around that and they can just buy another version of OA.
  11. thisisbleep


    Without knowing what motherboard and other components that you already have it is not possible to help. Put a list of exactly what you have on here and then we can help, otherwise I can only suggest that you should buy a new PC.
  12. thisisbleep

    Moved to middle of nowhere, what do I do?

    Dark line = map boundary The mod is alpha, don't complain about bugs The next patch will fix this, by moving people from the out of bounds areas to the beach when they relog (there have been a few attempts but they have not worked so far)
  13. thisisbleep

    no zombies when on vehicle

    Another player who was not in a vehicle could have been close enough to spawn the zombies and loot.
  14. thisisbleep

    bugged spawn

    What bugged spawn? Do you mean the debug zone or wilderness?
  15. thisisbleep

    Guns spawning without ammo

    Or someone already came along with the same weapon and took the ammunition for their gun.
  16. thisisbleep

    Screen full of flat lines and colors.

    It will be fixed in the next patch. Please look in the "bug reports" section in the future and you will see that you are not alone and need to make a new thread. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/forum/8-bug-reports/
  17. thisisbleep

    game frozen , ctrl + alt + suppr + close process = no more gear

    Get used to bugs, this mod is still in alpha. Think of it as a chance to start again, it is much more fun in the first few hours.
  18. Don't buy 4x 2Gb ram, you save pennies and it means you have to replace all of the ram later if you want to upgrade. Also the 670 is more than good enough for games and it will be for some time, the 680 is a luxury at the moment which you could cut down on to save costs.
  19. DayZ Commander has filters which allows you to choose what settings you want enabled/disabled, I suggest that you try that.
  20. thisisbleep

    Help and assistance

    OSX and Linux are not supported, you need to use bootcamp, WINE or install a Windows OS on your laptop.
  21. thisisbleep

    Death Command

    The next patch will correctly allow people to respawn if they have a broken leg, it was intended already but didn't work as intended. If you don't have a broken leg find a zombie to help you.
  22. thisisbleep

    Bad version in operation arrowhead server list

    Steam does not launch the beta version, unless you make it think that the beta .exe file is the non-beta version. DayZ Commander now allows a steam overlay apparently, but I have not tried it.
  23. thisisbleep

    Question: What does Map On mean/do?

    If the blue marker is on for your current location, it will most likely also show orange dots for zombies and blue dots for recently seen players. You cannot use it to spot someone who you haven't "seen" but it might give a small advantage.
  24. Radios might be added later, it is planned that they will be used to communicate, but are not currently in the game.
  25. thisisbleep

    Why is everything always empty?

    Servers which are not reset 2 to 4 times a day will suffer from problems such as no loot spawning, the whole server goes out of sync. You should look for a server which announces regular resets and it should solve your problem. Make sure your version of DayZ and the Arma II beta match the server as well, that will also cause problems with loot, zombies etc. Admins cannot influence anything except a few server settings. Your character is automatically saved to the Hive (main server database), there are times when there is a delay so it is always best to not log out straight after picking up any items and not to logout during desync (red chain).