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Everything posted by thisisbleep

  1. Is the moon phase a consideration or does the brightness from the moon not change?
  2. thisisbleep

    Day Z Server Wiped

    It was a hacker/script kiddie, they are being monitored by BattleEye (if the server has it enabled) but it is not a perfect system.
  3. thisisbleep

    Carry more than one gun?

    When you drop a gun it automatically drops the ammo that the gun uses, I suspect that it does the same when you move the gun into the backpack. This means that you need 10 slots of space for the gun + as many slots as required for the ammo before you try to move it into the bag.
  4. thisisbleep

    Blue screen when using 6 Launcher...

    Can you run the normal Arma II and Arma II: Operation Arrowhead? If this is working then you have a problem with the mod and if it is not then you have a problem with Arma II. Have you tried following the various guides on installing and updating? There are quite a few on the forums if you search for them. Some servers are quite slow and you sit on the "loading" screen for some time before you can join the game, or you are forced to close the game and try again. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/29431-look-at-this-thread-before-posting/
  5. thisisbleep

    Dayz Commander (Six Launcher alt)

    They are found in the ammo for a few of the military grade weapons, whether you can see them or not is down to a server setting.
  6. thisisbleep

    Question on repairing a vehicle

    Use a tent for storage, that way you can make several visits to various locations and bring back the parts. If you leave stuff on the floor there is a good chance that it will despawn, especially if there is a server restart.
  7. I use www.dayzdb.com/map.
  8. Just checked ebuyer and the listed parts cost more than what you paid. I am sure that it is possible to go elsewhere, such as Ebay, and find cheaper parts but it shows that you was not ripped off (unless the parts provided are refurbished or not as good as those shown below). The price also does not include a case and power supply. What power supply is included? I strongly recommend: - Buy a second 10cm case fan (most likely it will only come with 1), front fan sucks air in and the back fan pushes air out. - Buy a good PSU if it isn't already included. This is a typical one. If the PSU fails it is very likely to damage all of the rest of the PC, which would mean you have to spend 500 pounds again.
  9. Servers are not allowed to be password protected, you should report them to the development team and they will be forced to remove the password or be removed from the Hive whitelist (killing the server).
  10. It is a bug or random occurrence that I have seen before. If you play on a server with third-person view enabled, try toggling between that and first-person (or vice versa).
  11. thisisbleep

    Dayz Commander (Six Launcher alt)

    Tracers are bullets which are designed to be seen at night http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tracer_ammunition I use the DayZ Commander and it is very good. I hope that more servers will start to follow the correct naming format (or be forced to) and it would make the launcher even better. I have had a few crashes, but nothing major.
  12. thisisbleep

    Has Dayz gotten easier?

    I think this is more to do with them not despawning after a player leaves the game, which could also be tied to dying as well because of the respawn mechanism. Patch (which was not a full public release) mentioned that they had made the deliberate intention for them not to despawn and people were noticing that the zombies were freezing in place. It seems that some of this is still present in the latest build. I have seen it happen once, whilst in Cherno, but there was a mixture of frozen and normal zombies.
  13. thisisbleep

    Quick Question.....

    The memory and ram that you included are the same. The game should be capable of running on low settings, but it will be probably have lower frames per second because of the integrated graphics card and the low end CPU.
  14. thisisbleep

    Change name?

    You have to make a profile and then set it as the one which you want to use.
  15. thisisbleep

    Arma2 CO Buy? Here? Safe?

    Haha... :lol: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bohemia_Interactive_Studio Next time take some time and look into it yourself.
  16. Follow the installation guides (there are several), which will help with moving the correct files around so that it works. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/5182-guide-day-z-amazonretail-version-installation-guide-video-15/page__hl__%2Binstallation+%2Bguide http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/1808-guide-installation-guide-steam-retail-mixed-beta-common-errors/page__hl__%2Binstallation+%2Bguide http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/361-video-guide-installation-tutorial-beta/page__hl__%2Binstallation+%2Bguide
  17. thisisbleep

    Can't believe I'm asking this

    I tried it once before when going down a deer stand ladder and nothing happened, I have not tried again since.
  18. thisisbleep

    Super new player

    Tip 1: Look on the forum at the hundreds of guides, if you want tips. :rolleyes: Open the inventory and right click on the hatchet in the toolbelt, then you can move it to the primary weapon slot. Equip the primary weapon and then reload (default key = r). Be careful that you do not lose your primary weapon if you already have one equipped. To return it to the toolbelt, right click on it again.
  19. thisisbleep

    Question about 94700 vs 94444

    Please look at the patch logs before downloading the file. At the top, in the green bar, you can download the file and look at the changes in the logs. http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php/
  20. thisisbleep

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    Thank you for the hard work, if you are lucky you might be able to catch up on sleep this weekend. :|
  21. Haha "Schrodinger's zombie". :D
  22. This issue was present in, it is not possible to look down whilst prone, which you need to do to get the option to climb down the ladder. As you said, to "fix" this you need to get as close as possible to the ladder and then crouch (don't move or you automatically go prone again), then you can look down and get on the ladder. I have never had a problem when I fell off of the roof trying this, but I can see it being done if you are not careful.
  23. thisisbleep

    Zeds getting stuck in towers

    Do you think that they are spawning on the tower but bugging and falling below it?
  24. I would like a system where magazines can be joined together and this suggestion of loading empty magazines would also be good.
  25. thisisbleep

    More than one character?

    Do you both have "Arma X"? That was or still is causing problems with player ID's. You might also be playing on servers which are not connected to the hive.