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Posts posted by Noxide89

  1. The problem isn't your GPU and there is no need to overclock it. The problem is your CPU.

    I have a GTX275 as well, but I have an i7 920 oc'ed to 3.8Ghz as my CPU, and I am consistently between 45-115 FPS when playing.

    thanks for the tip :)

    thing is i can get 40 - 60 fps in NZ servers and 9 - 12 on Aus servers :S the only thing wrong with NZ servers i get 210 - 250 ping, Aust - 30 - 40 ping

    also im planning on a new comp

    something similar to this

    Computer Specs:

    CPU: Intel i5 3570k

    GPU: EVGA Geforce GTX 670 FTW

    MOBO: Asus Sabertooth Z77

    RAM: Corsair Vengeance DDR3 16GB

    CPU Cooler: Zalman CNPS9900 MAX

    PSU: Corsair HX750

    HDD: Western Digital 2TB Caviar Black

    Case: NZXT Phantom

  2. im getting 11 - 15 FPS

    CPU: intel core 2 quad Q8200 2.33

    GPU: GTX 275

    RAM : 4GB

    motherboard: ga-ep31-ds3L

    HDD: x1 1TB and x1 2TB

    Win : Vista 32bit

    i have overclocked the gpu also

    Defaults are : Core Clock - 633MHz

    Shader Clock - 1404MHz

    Memory Clock - 1134MHz

    Overclocked : Core Clock - 729MHz

    Shader Clock - 1672MHz

    Memory Clock - 1317MHz

    and not a real great deal in FPS gain mayber 1 - 3 fps extra

    any help will be great :) i have looked at all the tips others have given but to no avail.

    I didnt want to start another FPS lag help thread..
