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Rexy (DayZ)

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Posts posted by Rexy (DayZ)

  1. I didnt read about it in the newest Patchnote anymore so i wanna ask' date=' is the respawn timer of Zeds still buggy? Yesterday i fired on Rifle shoot on a little Farm, like 200 meters away, i excpected some Zeds but me and my mate got overrun by like 15 of them, we almost killed every single on but i got knockeout so my mate chopped the shit out of them, but long story short...

    - within 45-60 seconds after the shoot, 3 Zeds already respawned down there in the farm! Is that normal or still buggy?


    I've found the same issue. Used a Lee Enfield in a barn to clear out the zombies in the area. Killed 19 and figured there wouldn't be a Z within Coo-ee distance. Walked outside and already Z's respawned all over the field. Seems impossible to clear and area and have some peace and quiet for a bit. Also not a fan of Z's spawning next to you in a field. As for the patch, i seem to be an exception to the rule. Don't mind crawling around to avoid Z's.

  2. With the reliance on prone with the new patches you need to be able to crawl into and out of buildings more consistently. I've had a number of deaths so far because my character will go from prone to crouching after leaving a building and this instantly ramps the sound meter to 3. Consequently you agro any Z's within a large radius. Makes it very frustrating when you've successfully avoided a horde on the way in. The auto crouch also occurs on the way in but usually with not as drastic consequences.

    I like the changes with the new patches. Much more intense starting with hardly any gear and having zombies much more dangerous.
