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About tapp

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  1. Still having problems :P
  2. The new forum is not working for now...
  3. Ahh, the magic of DayZ - vehicles change owners fast as lightning :P And they were hidden not off map, it was still in the boundaries of it. And anyone is thinking about some form of cooperation ? Maybe making a big camp with wire, sandbags and tents ? Because me and my team would like to do something like that, a litte form of two way help. It's easier to do, because of the nametags, so people can recognize each other. And BTW - LuCiD, you and your friend were driving an ATV yesterday, north of the NW airfield, near Bashnya ?
  4. And the Ural truck was also yours ?
  5. Why you don't mention the UAZ ? We also got it from that camp. So, maybe it's not your truck ?
  6. Thanks for the epic battle against your chopper :D You almost got us, but our AS50 saved the day :)
  7. tapp

    To our friends on NL101

    Hah, it's that truck we found many times with my buddies :) We didn't put anything in there, except the Jerry Cans - also we threw away that soldier camo, because we don't like hacked/illegal items. And for your information, we found that truck in exactly same place on your video - but it wasn't destroyed and all the items were there again. So we took it ;)
  8. Yeah, I like this idea. But maybe instead of using cleaning kits, you could use/scavenge parts from another weapon (same type or similar) you find to repair your current one.
  9. Probably to the beautiful beaches of Cherno and Elektro :D
  10. tapp

    100 things I learned from DAYZ

    105. People in Chernarus tend to hide multiple weapons in their barns, but none food.
  11. tapp

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Yeah, I quickly went far up north, to leave the south "deathmatch" zone - so no supermarket for me now. And I also got some real bad luck, I cannot find any food in barns and other residental. So I got a hunting knife, so raw meat but no fire...
  12. tapp

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Only one suggestion from me: make alternative ways to light a fire, because finding matches is almost impossible...
  13. tapp

    Is anyone friendly anymore?

    I've played last time with my friend on TS, we spawned not far away from each other, so we quickly teamed up. We were crawling through endless fields of zombies to Elektro, then suddenly we noticed a guy crawling like 20 meters behind us with a hatchet. Imagine the situation, an unknown guy following you with an Axe :D We were scared to death, but when he caught up to us, he told he was friendly and we teamed up together :)