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Everything posted by Chimaera

  1. Chimaera

    My friend had Mountain Dew today

    Amen to that brother Ill be glad when we get some semblance of a game back and hopefully it will expand our world
  2. Are there no DayZ servers with zombie only kills then?
  3. Chimaera

    If they removed backpacks!

    If you want to do something usefull remove all the silly high end weapons In a world that had just gone t**s up you would not find them because they would be locked in military bases. You might find a few normal infantry type stuff on bodys etc but no rare stuff @Topic A few more variants of backpacks would be better so the big ones can be extremely rare
  4. Chimaera

    Anyone wanna play together?

    Lol i had one chasing me today with a makrov he wasted most of his ammo before i got him pinned on some stairs with zeds eating him lol He lost his Makrov shortly after :P Its hard to find groups that wont do something stupid to you, but keep trying im sure you will get it sorted in the end
  5. Chimaera

    DayZ full release (suggestions)

    There is already a thread for this http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/38742-suggestions-for-the-dayz-standalone-thinking-outside-of-the-limitations-of-an-arma-2-mod/
  6. Chimaera

    How can i play on Lingor Island?

    No because its not connected to the hive its on a private one
  7. Then Lingor maybe for you but thats your decision. I was completly bored with Chernarus thats why i changed to Lingor its more of the same to a degree just new places and stuff to learn, its revitalised it a bit for me but it will get same old same old soon enough i guess
  8. I have heard a few reports of invisible people so you may be right As to Lingor Island its more brutal than Chernarus i got killed 4 times last night. Smaller map more people = death
  9. We had an encounter with one recently Our team were camped round a fuel station waiting to relieve someone of the burden of having a vehicle :P Anyway this dude appears at the station and starts walking directly for one of our squads, firing commenced he got 5 aS50 to the head and quite a few DMR in the back and just kept on coming unharmed we had to abort in the end before he killed us all. And NO we dont make a habit of that we normally fight to the death, but whats the point of fighting a cheater, you arnt going to win
  10. Chimaera

    Humanity.. How does it work?

    This is the problem with it In a team of players you cannot help healing and repairing etc as you play. It should be raised only if you help someone you have no repeated exposure to (i.e. someone you dont know) But this needs team mechanics first so we can separate the two
  11. Ive been playing a couple of months now. Ive found just about every weapon and item and been to all corners of the map, pinched and found vehicles, never got a chopper (but im crap at flying anyway). And im still playing although its dwindling fast. The reasons? Getting killed is definatly a part of it, im sick of the PvP element whose only recourse is to kill another player, admittedly im more of a PvE player and i will only fight when challenged i let people pass by without killing them. But it clearly seems society doesn't think this way, to them its better to have an As50 and hide in the woods ( i struggle to see what you get out of this kind of gameplay, when do you actually experience the game hiding and sniping on a hill with duped ammo and guns) On a fresh start, I had a bloke on DC once say nothing in that building as i entered so i went elswhere then he snuck up behind me and started to axe me ?? wtf.. Don't get me wrong i don't mind getting killed if we have started an assault on an airfield or prison and we die in a battle that's fine because the death was worth the gain we receive if we survive as a team, but to have a team slaughtered by an unknown assailant in a ghillie and sniper gun in the middle of nowhere? But i guess that's better than running in cherno asking to get shot. The graphics failures and weak zombies and many of the other seemingly unfixable faults are definatly killing it as well. Hackers and the usual are another part of problem Ive faithfully reported all the faults and bugs i found on the dev section not that it seems anyone has ever read them. Ive played both Chernarus and Lingor Island and liked both. I really hope the devs listen to all the comments and read all the posts when they build the retail version as im not really sure they do. Yes of course they have the path that they are laying out that we cannot see but hopefully they realise they need the community as well. (of late it doesn't seem that way) There are many ways to play the game but worryingly it seems we are going to end up with nothing but PvP in the end even though it was a promising start. Hopefully the powers that be will re-balance the gameplay somehow. Jaded..... but i have enjoyed a lot of it ps im sure there will be some abuse as is common on these forums but im just posting my thoughts whether you agree or not
  12. Chimaera

    When was the last DayZ wipe? and How?

    My point such as it was is the dupers would be back in operation within a few mins with all the stock replenished. A wipe doesn't hurt anyone who plays the game without cheating as they (including clans) would just say lets go find some stuff again.
  13. Chimaera

    When was the last DayZ wipe? and How?

    Wouldnt make any difference wiping stuff untill they fix the duping of items
  14. The balance in the game definatly needs restoring. So no argument from me on that The game needs to be brutal Ive often said it needs a proving ground, Lingor Island maybe where the noobs get up to speed and then some tunnels or a boat crossing to Chernarus where the real test starts. Scarcity of items is a must which will cure a lot of the problems and make people work together to survive. But it still must be possible to do it alone for those of us that like the challenge Absolutly you need both threats for the game to work. Zombies need to be scary and dangerous with tactics that make them a real threat (they are a slight inconvenience atm) Player threat needs to be real and always around the next corner. Like i say if ive been outwitted and killed fair do's to the guy but... If ive been killed by a camper spawn because i dared go near a town .. pointless if it happens repeatedly (scare ammo and no duping will deffo help this one) Just observations that need to be solved in the real game. On the whole of 2+ months ive enjoyed the ups and downs and thrills that is DayZ Edit @Sticker704 If you had even read the first post you would know i have been playing Lingor
  15. Chimaera


    Currency would only work in the sense of a wall of lockboxes in a building and you put the payment on the box and write what you want for it Ie you have some M9 Sd ammo but need stannag rounds, chuck it in the box and you get a msg that it has been recieved when someone deposits what you need It would also work for jobs, i.e. i want xxx scumbag killed here is 10 stannag rounds if you manage it box will only open if your the one who does the deed. obviously the duping needs to stop first :P
  16. LMFAO thats the best post of the day M8 Im nearly 50 yrs old :P :P ...My sides still hurt from the laughing.. I wouldnt cheat anyway i think ive handled a duped weapon before which is likely in this mod but thats all
  17. It is sad that DayZ seems to bring out the worst side to people and its weird how DayZ seems to "imitate" real life, as society is more abusive and self effacing F### everyone else attitude etc so it seems to come to DayZ. I think a certain amount of children element contributes to this as well.( The forum posts back up this theory as well) I dont get people sitting in the woods for hrs sniping noobs, if i kill someone i want what he is carrying .. Its a good thing that they are separating ArmA and DayZ before DayZ tarnishes the community for Arma in one sense I dont doubt for one minute imagine DayZ Retail will be any different but we shall see If it is the same it will be another game to be thrown away because it didnt deliver, shame really after a promising start. If they wrote into the game career choices PVE or PVP so i could only be killed by the game then i would happily do that and it would piss off the idiots on the hills when im playing a medic and they cant kill me :P
  18. Unfortunatly for me im not a big fan of war / military simulators, i bought arma purely for access to Dayz, i opened the editor once and just wasn't digging it. And i opened the single player once as well for about 5 mins lol
  19. Don't be silly.. I bought this Actually this is a mod for a game didn't you realize ... you do remember buying the game to play the mod dont you.. And lets just clear up the carebear part I want this game to be brutal severe zombies terror round every corner death everywhere, not just easy everywhere and as50s on every hill with 10 year olds sitting using them You was doing alright till the silly comment at the end, what makes you think i would play a spin off POS like Warz :P Ive done loads of teamplay as well
  20. 1: Ability to drink with cupped hands from water sources (slower and more risk because it takes longer etc) 2: Ability to plant explosives under vehicles (sabotage) 3: Get rid of the silly high tech weapons make it a better balance ( personally go back in time a few years where heat vision doesn't exist etc) <== not going to be popular i know 4: Stop the duping as its a game breaker 5: Make tents like backpacks so you can see how much is in them 6: Stop the getting up animation so you can bandage lying down when in a fight 7: Add military camps where you can fight against forces for better goodies (left over remants of miltary that have banded together to survive) 8: Use the same system as the underground stuff where its not part of the sheet cant remember what its called to create healing areas and trading areas with no active weapons (or toolz to do so) 9: Get something in the game to make people want to work together sometimes as apposed to killing each other like it is atm 10: Boards for kill for profit for bad people or good ones :P 11: Maybe some kind of simple banking system storage / lockbox perhaps that the reward is put into for the job and the player can access after the job is complete. 12 Roving military camps 3 vehicles 25 men that are in a different position everyday (for suprise attacks) 13: Cookpot option and item to be able to cook higher value food recovery 14: More food options plants vegetables nicked from fields etc ( Low health gain individually unless added to number 13) 15: Reduce animal food benefits to force people to use campires and cookpots (more risk for reward) 16: Login arrival check that wont allow near another player bumps them 300 yards away or some something to stop them running behind you and coming back in sheet and killing you. 17: Seasonal weather changes surprise snow storms in winter to make the ghillie boys stand out :) 18: Frosty Ground, noise carrys further 19: Sort the zombies out please and increase the speed in houses and make them more of a threat ( we should be scared of the zombies and terrified of players) the only real threat is players atm 20: Women Kids OAP zombies just all types, its supposed to be real remember 21: Some kind of team mechanic/benefit that by joining together we get increased ammo spawns maybe or food spawns or some kind of team benefit for being a survival team 22: some kind of entry map like Lingor for eg where low value stuff can be found then board a ferryboat (weapons disabled) or network of tunnels you have to survive to get to the main area chernarus where the better stuff is. This will give noobs the better learning curve before they experience full on death 23: Make cheranus bigger prob x3 if possible we should not be able to run all the helicopter crashes in one night on foot 24: Heli crashes should be more varied too same old same old atm 25: No camping or vehicles of map ever.. 26: More possible places to hide tents rock formations, clumps of trees etc (its not bad atm but could be a little better) then it would be a challenge to find the best tents 27: Attacked by zombie dogs on farms etc (make it apply to animals as well ) being attacked by a zombie chicken would be funny :P 28: make zombies appear at a greater distance from the player so we cant use them for player detection 29: Make zombies hunt in packs in the large towns and maybe travelling packs/herds of zombies in the woods etc 30: Make item spawns be spawned way before we get there often not spawned if you rock up on a vehicle 31: Make sleeping in tents an option to recover health (risk/reward) 32: Blood injectors gives 2000 short fix (simple syringe) Or 33: Blood bags usable on yourself but only gives half the blood or maybe 4000 34: Barbed wire cannot be used in doorways of buildings 35: Make pliers available as an item so you can do basic stuff like cut the wire (toolboxes for the more advanced stuff like remove the wire or build it) 36: Limit the amount of weapons that can be stored in a vehicle a little( players should be concerned about survival not having 6 AS50 spares) I'm sure there's a load more but that's a few for now. One more thought about having an entry sheet before the main sheet it would keep chernarus really hard which is what we want, a zombie aftermath like this would be incredibly difficult and that's how it should be. Make this game as realistic as you possibly can within the boundaries of the code and whats possible, but don't allow the silliness with people having 50 AS50s stashed in trucks etc make the high end guns incredibly rare which will encourage people to use whatever is available, imho the duping has really spoiled the mod as there is no challenge, every tent you come across has tons of stuff in it. Here's hoping the game will be very hard and very pleasurable to play. Chimaera
  21. Just to point out how dumb and immature this post was im nearly 50 and yes we use Teamspeak to plan our team moves as we work around the map. Plus we are talking about normal stuff as well Barbie horse lol im guessing you dont have any kids from 10 yrs on the are playing Battelfield 3 and Prototype 2 etc We have used teamspeak for years as a squad so i would suggest you find someone to play with and try it your self and you will find it makes for a better experience, if you were in the game for real with your m8 you could hear him then so whats the difference.
  22. Chimaera

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Update Last night same thing at Balota couldnt look at the curved hangers stopped reloaded game from ground up and still there..... bit did a purge and it was gone. Other than zombies standing in fields for no reason and you could run straight through them and not trigger them. And items not spawning when they should lots of absolutely empty buildings, nothing on the floor at all. And my friend nearly dying when a deer stand attacked him :P Cmon guys if you want to use this mod to give you info for the real game fine.. but use or acknowledge that the data has been given thats what pisses people off We know people are going to trivial whinge but there are relevant posts in between that if im honest doesn't seem like anyone is bothering with. I know Gamescom is on but surely rocket isnt the only team member in the team People are dropping away now, ill be playing guild wars in a few days instead mainly because if you post n their forums about a bug someone will answer ( and yes ive been helping test the beta of that as well). I will still buy full DayZ when it happens of course i will but will anyone listen then or is it going to be the same again?? Time will tell
  23. Chimaera

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Had some graphic errors last night first time really bad, seen them odd times but nothing major before Coming over hill towards Berzhino from hospital end all the usual planes of grey seemed to be emanating from the area to the right of the hospital but further away maybe the docks not sure. Changed graphic settings one at a time to see what triggers it if anything like texture detail video memory anistropic antialaising etc I generally run with most maxed out / because i can :P But nothing significant from changing them some made it worse some a little better or changed the shapes that were visible or on zoom only I couldnt seem to find a persistant one until my m8 who could see them as well crashed and he had to start arma all over again when he logged in next to me the glitches were gone for him but not me. After i shutdown arma and reloaded i was good to go and never saw them again. 1st Gen Core I5 / SSD / 8GB / ATI Radeon HD 5800 Arma Beta 1.62.96015 DayZ Hope this helps
  24. Been having big problems with this forum for a while now For example to open a section 30+ seconds Add new topic to make this post 42 seconds I know there is a hell of a lot of people on here but cmon guys sort something out please. Im not posting very much atm because it takes so long to open and reply Tested On Firefox 14.01 and IE 8+ Similar times on both Please dont start with the upgrade your browser rubbish as i work in IT my system is fine, my internet speed is 2 mb a sec down and every other page i frequent opens in a blink of an eye Its only this site that is lousy Please sort it out