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Simon Belmont

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About Simon Belmont

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Obvious troll is trolling.
  2. Simon Belmont

    The Power Of The Ghillie Suit

    ... I know it should be kind of obvious from the title, but you never even stated you were *wearing* the suit at all in that... block of text...
  3. Simon Belmont loot patterns

    I definitely feel like the loot complaints are from not properly searching all the enter-able buildings. Some of those small houses actually do have decent loot (Like FOOD!) from time to time. If you're careful, they are always worth a check. Just because it's harder to find loot, doesn't mean the loot isn't out there.
  4. Simon Belmont loot patterns

    Makarov in Kamehka, AKM in a deerstand, Double-Barrel in barns, Winchester in barns, and a Makarov/Winchester and buttloads of ammo in a supermarket. If anything, the patch just encourages you to search more places. I haven't had any issues finding firepower. Now Morphine on the other had, that stuff is like the holy grail. Used to be everywhere, can't find any now.
  5. Personally from about 5 hours of play testing tonight, the only thing about the Zeds that I feel is a tad over the top is their spawn rate. Aggro range seems very acceptable, I was able to prone/crouch walk past nearly all obstacles, barring a few instances. When I had to fire, however, it seemed like the horde was endless. Could drop two AKM mags and literally they would still be coming in that barn door. Tweaking down the spawn rate would make them perfect, IMHO.
  6. The DayZDevTeam's twitter was just updated with a new tweet, saying infected behavior will be the focus of the next hotfix, particularly their hearing ability. So apparently 'Super-Zeds' were not intended.