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About bloob

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. bloob

    Backpack eating guns

    Last night I played a bit and noticed the saving seems a lot more delayed than usual. I got whole clips of ammo returned to me, morphine and a bloodpack. What seems to happen is, you'll have 8 slots in your pack and remove 2 things to make 10 slots, enough for a primary gun. You log out and those 2 items you removed are returned to you, so your gun is deleted to make room.
  2. I try to be a grammar nazi too, but is this shit really necessary? It makes you look 10x worse than anyone who misspells a word. On topic, I guess that's why I couldn't find the effin' server anywhere yesterday. This type of stuff with admins happens WAY too often. At least I know it's not down for good, so I can get mah pushbike back.
  3. bloob

    Why Day-Z Fails

    I'm sure we'd all be crying and drooling in a corner in a real zombie apocalypse, no matter how awesome we think we are. I know I would. (and I think I'm pretty awesome) TS, to me it seems as though you're playing the wrong game. In one of your posts you list everything in the game as needing fixing. You mention running forever to get north, then getting shot. THEN you mention how easy this game is, especially if you just hunt bandits. A lot of the things you listed as "wrong" are things I personally love about the game. You have to be realistic about the bugs, and the VERY early stage of the mod. I understand "it's in alpha" isn't a defence for everything, and expressing opinions is what IMPROVES the process, but in your posts you're going about it all wrong. There are a lot of games I don't like. I do not expect them to change everything about the game to suit me. Whereas you seem to. P.S, you want your character to suffer depression? Maybe they could scream out for their lost loved ones while you play or something. That'd be totally sweet. Or a random town chosen at character creation as your hometown that you cannot enter, simply because "the pain is too much, aaarrrrggh"
  4. A lot of shitty posts in this thread. Just glancing over it hurt my eyes. BUT, I've never waited longer than 2 minutes of spamming enter to get on full servers. Someone is always logging off, getting kicked by battleye etc. Also, the only servers I've ever seen full during the day are the Ausarma servers, which have an auto-kick on them for ping over 180 or 220, I forget. The On3 servers (and Orcon too, but I hates dem) ALWAYS have room. I should know. I play this game way too fucking much.
  5. bloob

    Spawning in the air!

    Yeah I wondered about something similar. I was swapping amongst seattle servers to find a night time one with a friend. Didn't change much at all though, but I did make sure to stay close to the trees so I wouldn't be spotted as soon as I logged in. Seems being overly paranoid about losing my NVGs is what lost them for me. =D
  6. bloob

    Spawning in the air!

    Yeah this just happened to me too. Was at NW Airfield when I logged out, semi-close to some trees. Logged back in and fell from the sky to my death. My NVGs, nooooo. Running latest beta patch and