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Everything posted by Areoss

  1. Disclaimer. THIS IS NOT A CRY TO REMOVE NVGs. THIS IS ABOUT TRYING SOMETHING NEW TO INCREASE PEOPLES INTEREST IN A GAMEPLAY MECHANIC - NIGHT TIME GAME PLAY Now before the flame of fire instantly comes in from those who own NVG's... hear me out... ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Night time servers are mostly(not all of them) pretty low in population. Why is this? Because you can't see where you are going. To see where you are going you have to light yourself up like a lighthouse to see. But there is a way around this. There are the NVG's which in all fairness is a brilliant investment to those who are trying to travel around at night without being seen. Fair enough. But the NVG's haven't really come into play as they were presumed. They have basically been given to the first person who can get to the NW Airfield(if they are lucky enough for the spawn) and then camp high in any location they wish with a sniper rifle, to take out anyone who doesn't have NVG's. Thus night time servers have turned into a NVG sniper camping dream. This is why people don't play Night time servers as much. Unless you have NVG's. You are at a massive disadvantage. So there is no point in you attempting to do anything as you'll be lit up like a christmas tree, to someone who can already see very well anyway as it is. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::Suggestion:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: I think that NVG's should be taken out for a patch or 2. To see if that encourages people to move to night time servers. Since no one will have a huge advantage, you will be a bit safer running around at night. Plus you will also have the darkness on your side as well just as equally as anyone else. You could ofcourse walk around with a flare or your torch on, but this also means you will be visable to anyone in the 1km area of you within line of sight. True enough this can be a little bit concerning. But then again They would have had to have lights on as well, to reach the point that your at would they have not? Unless for example its a sniper camping ofcourse, but if it was, you would have the safety of the darkness to attempt to get away if you can. Now if the sniper was smart he could predict your movements and look for specific things to finish you off. But if he also had a friend, or was in range him self. He could throw a flare to try to draw your attention so he could move un seen.... or illuminate you, or many other things. I believe this would add more tactics to night time gameplay than having super vision and a massive advantage. Now I know people will scream at this idea saying things like... "Well whats the point in going on a night server if I cant see everything as clear as day with my NVG's" "Why should I bother going to the Airfield if there isnt NVG's there at all" "What colour socks are you wearing?" and so on... My point of this, is yes I understand that those who are using them have earned them due to their low spawn rate or managed to kill a billion people and got lucky enough to take them. No, this isnt about me crying that im dying to NVG users. This is about trying new things, trying to get night time servers from a camp fest of the all seeing gods... to a more active, suspense-full game at night. It will encourage people to jump onto night time servers for their increased survival rates. As at the moment, trying to stay alive at night is a far more unlikely than day time. I personally enjoy running around at night time with my friends, and I don't want to be constantly in fear of someone with NVG's. (even though that adds another depth to the game. I personally see it as someone with an unfair advantage). I would like to hear anyone elses feedback on this. No flames please. Intelligent and thought out posts only. If you respond in such a manner of "LOLNOOB GO BACK TO SKOOL" or some form of that. It will be disregarded as null and void with no value and I will put socks on your ears. TL;DR Remove NVG for a patch or 2, to try to increase interest for more people to play night time servers. So people don't have a massive advantage, like a rediculous one over someone who doesn't have NVGs. No rage, no flame. Serious and well thought out comments please. Socks on the ears. Go.
  2. Areoss

    Day and night Cycle

    NOTE: I am aware of the coding difficulties behind this idea and it would cause issues with loot spawning and such and that its not that easy to impliment I personally think increasing the day/night cycle would be an enjoyable experience. Just an example, im not saying this should be it: Say that it was day time for every 2h30m, and then 30m of night time... but increase the spawn rate and hearing of the zombies outside at night time. So you have to take shelter, rest up and hide for the night. I think it would be good to hide out in a barn at night and ride it out until morning with a camp fire. This may be for more of a role playing side of it, but it also adds to the simulation I think. It would also leave risk for reward scenarios for those who were brave too. There would be less people looking out for loot at night time, so that means you have better odds of getting better loot at night. But you also have a higher chance of being detected by the zombies :) This is by no means any form of "this is the way to go" kind of suggestion, it is more of an idea to see what peoples opinions on the matter is. Please try to keep yourself from replying "NO STUPID IDEA" or anything of that sort. Keep the discussion at a mature and logical level.
  3. Areoss

    So where is "safe"?

    Berezino is a pretty good place to hit up. Just keep your cool and stay low. There are some shops and some apartments, they tend to have some decent stuff in them and plenty of supplies, plus a high chance of a decent back pack. It is one of the lesser occupied cities of the major ones due to the fact that its kinda out of the way and its not near the spawn point. It is also a fair distance away from the main airfield, which also tends to draw people in. If you want a good amount of supplies, i'd suggest hitting it up there from the south side.
  4. Areoss

    Rain and Temprature

    I personally suggest, even though it does have its effect already, but not to the extent i'd imagine it... That rain isn't as cooling as it should be. I think you should really want to get out of the rain. From my several weeks of experience, when It has been raining, all we did was keep on running and our temprature never fluctuated. We should have to take shelter in a barn or something as soon as possible like you really would have to, to stay dry and warm. I don't know if anyone else agrees with this? TL;DR (how I dont know but some people are lazy) Make rain have a really dramatic effect to cooling your body temprature. Second idea to add to this effect, also make rain harder to hear you (if it doesnt already) by zombies. So you can run a bit quicker to get out of the open and into shelter. It will also give people more reason to make a fire and not just for food.
  5. Areoss

    Rain and Temprature

    brings a new definition to someone being called a "Sick shooter" :P I personally would like rain to be more harsh... An issue is that people may simply log out, but thats just a lot of hastle in comparison to finding shelter... so I don't think its that bad :)
  6. Areoss

    Silenced Sniper Rifles

    I think a silenced rifle would be good. Perhaps a silenced weapon that only has an effective range of like 400m that is bolt action. For killing players it should take about 3-5 shots. But for zombies it wont matter because a head shot is a head shot :P. For the longer over watch, then you can find your self a bigger gun since you will be having a much longer range to cover and you can position correctly. I personally am in love with my AS50 :D I only have 15 shots, but I use them wisely and only when my team requires it. Otherwise I am just an over watch and constantly relaying information. My spotter uses a DMR, so he can go a bit more wild than I can.... but his shooting has been declared between us, as second to mine :)
  7. I call the Zombies, drunks. From my experience, I have either wandered aimlessly when drunk, hopped around on the floor trying not to fall over, or when I did fall over... crawl everywhere >:)
  8. Areoss

    Logical suggestion - Remove NVG?

    http://dayzwiki.com/wiki/index.php?title=Military_Flashlight "It's position in the inventory may be switched between the sidearm slot and a tool slot by means of the action menu. The Flashlight is only useable while in the sidearm slot. " Unless this information is out dated. I will have to check on this, or if someone can check for us to see if it is possible.
  9. Areoss

    Logical suggestion - Remove NVG?

    I'm actually surprised at the responses this thread is getting. It clearly is a topic of interest it seems. I apologise if my own quotations seem to be contradicting of my own statements. I'm no english major, so my sentences won't be perfect. There are people here who agree and disagree which is expected. But one point of view against another, you can't say someone is wrong and your opinion is right. I quite like the idea of the NVG's requiring battery. I would also think a head torch is a good idea too. How ever, I don't think using a pistol and a torch at the same time is a good idea. More for atmospheric reasons. Plus it also increases the value of weapons such as the G17. This would also have more tactical gameplay between team mates rather than solo play. For example, one person could shine their torch to see, while the other fires off a mag, and then before the reload, they swap roles. Also if you need to defend yourself you can drop a flare or a chem light to fight any close encounters. Risky but tense. Some people will agree, other people will disagree. I respect that. Just respect it in return ;) and keep the ideas going :) see if we can come up with new ideas.
  10. Areoss

    Logical suggestion - Remove NVG?

    Isn't that what I was pretty much saying? The problem with the night time games is the people who can't see anything. Vs those who can see everything with no consiquence. If everyone could see at night then the problem would be solved in one way. Which in a sense' date=' is basically playing in the day time. Another option is reduce everyones ability to see as clear as day to TRY out. But thats apparently out of the question. [/quote'] No it isn't. What you are saying is that removing NVGs will solve the problem. It won't. The problem is not people who can't see anything vs. people who can see clearly. The problem is most people do not have NVGs/can't see at night. Removing NVGs would just reduce the number of players playing on night time servers so they would be even less populated than they are now. I am sorry to say but it is not an option to remove NVGs as it won't solve anything. The reason I do not go on night servers without having an NVG is because I can't see anything. Not because I am worried that one of the 8 ppl on the server might have nvg on them... Making everyone be able to see at night on the other hand would totally be pointless because as you said it would not be any different than day time and would defeat the whole purpose of day/night cycle really. I guess increasing the incentive to play at night could work to some extend to increase population on night time servers e.g. better loot spawns; however I do not know if that is at all possible technically for the dev team. Increasing NVG spawns is also kinda mute since that will defeat the whole purpose of it being an exclusive item like other rare items. Back to the NVG, seriously how many people actually don't go on a night server just because there might be a person with a NVG on there? That is such a stupid assumption and reason to remove NVGs. Again you missed my point, other people seem to have gotten it. It is one of the methods to attempt to increase peoples interest in playing at night. You have flares, you have chem lights. You have torches, you have camp fires. All of which can give away your position ofcourse, but also make night time play more interesting. Im not saying remove them WILL fix it. I am saying try it and see what happens. I play night games. I don't own a pair of NVG's. Knowing people are out there that do have NVG's and you don't, is off putting. Or do you not care about that? Fair play to you if you don't care about that. Your either brave of suicidal. So are you saying you wouldn't play a night game without NVGs but with flares and torches etc? They allow you to see pretty well. Not as well as NVG ofcourse since it doesnt matter how you move etc. Or is it because they give away your position? :) Im just curious now.
  11. Areoss

    Logical suggestion - Remove NVG?

    Isn't that what I was pretty much saying? The problem with the night time games is the people who can't see anything. Vs those who can see everything with no consiquence. If everyone could see at night then the problem would be solved in one way. Which in a sense, is basically playing in the day time. Another option is reduce everyones ability to see as clear as day to TRY out. But thats apparently out of the question.
  12. Areoss

    Logical suggestion - Remove NVG?

    Agreed. There are some other cool ideas out there too. I'd like to hear about them to be honest so I encourage anyone who has alternate sensible ideas.
  13. Areoss

    Logical suggestion - Remove NVG?

    Socks are going on your ears now. Anyway to those who claim I am crying that I want NVG to leave the game for good. You clearly have miss understood my point. I am asking to try something' date=' this is a suggestions part of the forum is it not? I am suggesting trialing an idea, to see if it helps people move into night time gameplay as well as just day time play. So far, the majority if people have screamed "No dont remove them! They are awesome! I don't want everything to be more fair! This game isnt about balance, I like the power being in my favour!" "Rocket says he doesnt want to give advantages to any playstyle" but you also said "I am a fan of them though, because I like the imbalance. " Isnt the imbalance of night vision, an advantage to snipers on night servers? Sandy said: stripped down, the argument OP and his supporters rely on runs thus: > Nights make for a different, more challenging game. Different, yes. More Challenging, no. > In the blind dark the most forbidding opponent is the man who can see Not the man who can see, the man who can see ALL with out any consiquence. > That man is scary It can be. > He is so scary that my tactical considerations and risk assessments cannot account for his goggles So, I sense this part is sarcasm, so tell me how you wish to counter a sniper before he has shot at you. See or be seen. Kill or be killed. > I refuse to adapt and grow my gameplay to contain such a scary man Lol, no. This is the part where you are getting childish and throwing accusations. This is a suggestion part of the forum. I am suggesting an idea be trialed. > Therefore Rocket must remove the scary man from my game Rocket must remove this scary man from my game? Really? How did you get that? My point is to TRIAL no NVG. Not even for that long. "this is the same logic that spawns PvE-only servers, creates threads demanding all scoped weapons be removed, and will one day reduce DayZ to WoW4Dead" I believe you spawned this logic of your own... interesting view. I am not claiming they should be out of the game for good. I like the diversity of the play styles. I am merely suggesting something to try out. Clearly since this is an Alpha project, i'd assume that it would be more open minded to testing new things. Apparently majority of the community are seeing this is a perfect game as it is now and don't want anything changed. Hold tight to your gear and equipment. It may not last for ever with patches and changes ;) [hr']
  14. Areoss

    Logical suggestion - Remove NVG?

    Care to elaborate? Keep in mind your response of "Noooooo" is to the idea of trialing an idea, a temporary idea at that.
  15. Areoss

    Logical suggestion - Remove NVG?

    I can agree that people will rage and kick and scream if you take it from them. But that was what I was looking for, taking it from them. Not for the reason of making them kick and scream, but to add a new level of gameplay for night time. Those who have NVG's are more than likely snipers that camp waiting for anyone at night. There are some that aren't but I think it is safe to say that the vast majority are. I'm more so thinking of increasing the reason to play night time server for those who are at a massive disadvantage.
  16. Areoss

    Cosplay Camo idea!

    Solid Snake Cammo please :) Id love that.
  17. I personally think NVG should go for a patch or 2. Just to trial it out. To see if night servers fill up more since there won't be a huge advantage for people using the NVG's. Also I think it would make gameplay more interesting. As you can easily get distracted by other light sources.... For example if you were making your way through a field edge in a tree line and a flare instantly pops up, you will imediately hit the dirt and turn your light off. You could easily hide by not moving and keeping an eye on the light source, but it could also be just a distraction and someone else could be moving around. You would also be voulnerable to snipers as always. But you would also have a fair chance to escape and hide by fleeing the flare or killing your light source. Now the sniper could choose to throw a flare out in hopes of seeing you. Or a friend of his could do this in the general area. I personally think this is a much more interesting scenario.
  18. Areoss

    Weapon noise

    Does anyone actually know of the weapon noise distance? I know there is a table that shows you the volume of a weapon, i.e. loud, moderate, very loud etc But I am looking for a rough range guide of the sound for the weapons. Say for example a Makrov can be heard by infected up to 40m away. Something like that. Does anyone know of such thing? :) Many thanks.
  19. Areoss

    Weapon noise

    I enjoy playing a sniper for PvE scenarios like raiding and such. Picking off zombies chasing my friends. The marksman that the team wants :) I just wondered if there was a rough guestimate :) thanks though all.
  20. Areoss

    The thing with the broken legs

    I like the broken leg system. It teaches you to not only be extremely careful when walking. But also be extremely cautious around zombies. My advice, don't venture out without morphine. It's very vital that you have some. Perhaps moreso than a weapon in most cases. My Priority is to get food and water and medical supplies before arming my self, but if I happen to come across a place to arm up before I reach a location that may have morphine, you can bet your ass that i'm going to try for that first.
  21. I feel it will be better to understand my frustration if I tell the story of how things went down rather than jump into what they did. These notes are as true as I remember them to be. Some small details may be missing but that would only be to what we were doing and where my friends were etc, the point of my post is what happened. I was playing on sever 'US79' I believe last night, and all was going well. I was running about in the woods. Location, following the power line from pridorokgy up past the small village just north of Vysota. Continuing up around the bend through the woods into the open fields, following the north split of the cables. Now if you follow the road along side of the power lines, there is only one small patch of forrest to the west of the road in the open clearing area. I was in there, facing south with my CZ scope. One of my friends was looking for animals for me because I had 900 blood left, and the other was scouting the area around behind me. Now directly opposite me I see 2 people running through the field. Almost as if they had come from Balota, followed the main road inland, and then stopped half way up the road and went directly north. So I took my shot after discussion with my friends whether to leave them or not. They had an AK and a Winchester as a minimum that I know of. I scored 2 direct hits within a second each, as headshots (Marksman gaming experience paid off). About 4 seconds of celebrating my kills happened and then sending my friend to loot... the server instantly shut down and restarted. We were confused. We logged back onto the game, and we noticed that our blood had increased. I was now sitting about 1.4k ish up from 900. Which was the health I had like about half an hour previously, my ammo was also back to what it was before I took the shots. Their corpses are also gone. And I saw in the chat someone thanking that either they were admin, or thanking someone else for being the admin in broken English. The guys names of who I killed... were: Bratwurscht, and Volmat. Now I don't think it was co-incidence that the server dropped pretty much instantly after I head shot the two of them, and that our health increased and my ammo was replaced. I don't know what the process will be now that I have told my tale, but I can guarantee that it extremely frustrated me and my friends. Everything we did was legit and was having a lot of fun up until that point. I believe it was just a case of sore losers. Is there anything that can be done about this kind of thing? :Edit: it seems that it will only be acted upon if there is solid evidence. So from now on, every kill I make either in self defence or out of desperation as I have done, shall be Fraps'd to capture any abusive behaviour.
  22. Areoss

    More Like Admin Abuse

    So... your saying.... that if I died and lost my stuff... and then the server restarted before they could loot me... that I wouldn't come on here claiming that there is someone potentially cheating in my encounter, from my experience?!?! You must be on to something there! Try not to de-rail this and twist it to seem pathetic from a completely illogical point of view in the future. "LOLOL" ;)