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Posts posted by IIxSubmarinex

  1. Name: You can call me Sub, :)


    How long have you been playing DayZ: the Month it came out.

    Your Roll:Pilot/Sniper

    Skype: IIxSubmarinex

    Why should I pick you: I feel I could have a large impact on how we work and co-operate, i have a large amount of experience with ARMA II in general as i play in a few squads on the ARMA II itself, i am a good shot with a DMR and would be able to help conduct mission/tasks as i could give Sniper support, i am friendly and can take a joke :)

    Do you have a mic: YES!

  2. Age - 16

    What role are you applying for in this clan - Sniper/Scout and Designated Pilot if Avaliable.

    How much experience do you have playing Dayz - I've been playing Dayz since the first month of release, i also play ARMA II in general to increase my skills at sniping and piloting, i play very frequently, nearly every day. :)

    Do you have ventrillo and a working microphone - I don't have a ventrillo, but can download it at any time if needed, i have a good quality microphone and don't have any siblings to cause any unwanted background noise.

    Are you a serious player works well with others and doesn't mess around during missions- I'm very mature for my age, but i like to joke around alot, but i do take it serious though. I like to play serious and honestly i dont like too large squads because sometimes large squads are harder to keep organised, thats why I like being a Sniper, as i feel a large responsibility for looking our for the Safety of others whilst having full control over my safety.


    1) You have just respawned near cherno and make it a goal of yours to enter the city to acquire basic supplies. As you get closer you hear multiple gunshots and sniperfire, you notice only 1 person dies. What do you do from here to get in and out as safely as possible?

    -I would make my way around the outskirts of Cherno avoiding open areas for sniper fire, i would search the small orange/red buildings looking a weapon for my safety, i would then make my way towards the middle of cherno, sticking behind cover at all times, i would avoid the outskirts hospital as this would lead to being shot at by snipers in the hilltops, i would also be careful to see if anyone is on the SIlo's with a sniper or marksman rifle. I would then gradually make my way to the more populated areas of Cherno. After looting Cherno for the basics i would either make my way north or wait for fellow friends/squad mates depending on the situation.

    2) You are playing as a heavy assault role, and as you are running with your 5-man squad near Stary Sobor, you hear a single sniper shot and 1 of your teammates gets killed. What do you do from here (and retreat is never an option)?

    -If i had control over what my team-mates movements i would split up into 2-2 squads and stay near cover if we were in the city or if we were in the open make a dash for the closest tree line, then i would get 1 person in each squad to scout in the treeline while the other two made their way to a building or the next set of trees, if they got shot at the scouts would be able to alert the other two on their where abouts so they could get into a position where they could not be shot at. Then they could work together to take out the snipers.

    3) We are entering the city of elektro to give assistance to a wounded teammate located in the store. You are told their is 1 nearby sniper with range of the store and 2 nearby riflemen, all who are attempting to finish off our comrade. You are in command of a 5 man squad and must help him + eliminate the threat. What are your orders from here?

    Well the only sniper spot where they could get a shot at the store would be directly north or possible on sniper hill to the north west, i would get 2 men to take a wide east flank around sniper hill where they could either flank the sniper or be able to scout to see if he is further north, I would get the other 2 to slowly make their way to the store using each building as cover, i would get 1 to stop a block away to cover the other one as he makes his way into the store to help our comrade, i would make my way to the 2nd floor of the school to see if could see any people near the hospital.

    That is all for the application, the better answers you give, the higher the chances you will be accepted.

  3. Im confused, how do I open my Arma2.cfg or Arma2OA.cfg

    Disable anti aliasing and post processing effects, for "dezzy's" suggestion: right click the file and open with "notepad"

  4. Please can any one help me,i have not been able to play dayz for the last couple of days it says either....bad version,server rejected connection, or it says...you are running an incorrect version of dayz_code, please download this file from dayzmod.com/downloads (you are running and the server is running version 1.2).

    I use steam and always run as administrator,i have dayz commander and six updater/launcher everything is up to date and i have also tried the download at dayzmod.com/downloads.I have tried unistalling arma2 + operation arrowhead + battle eye + dayz commander + six updater/launcher so there was no trace left of the game or mods on my pc,then reinstalling everything and im still getting these messages come up





    i have been playing since mid july on cherno,lingor and the last 5 or 6 days on takistan with no problems what so ever....now this is happening and i and i cant get on any them? :( would like to kill some zed's and enjoy surviving once again.

    i'm not sure if you're trolling or just dumb, either way, ill save the hassle and explain..

    (download DAYZCOMMANDER)
