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Everything posted by IIxSubmarinex

  1. IIxSubmarinex

    Friends with two different server lists

    Launch the game and use the ingame server list? '-_-
  2. IIxSubmarinex

    What program to record?

    Fraps :)
  3. IIxSubmarinex

    Pending Update: Build

    The game is in Alpha, therefore, he is adding features before ironing out bugs that will take possible days of coding to fix... Jesus.
  4. IIxSubmarinex

    in the past two hours.. 4 hackers.

    What is this this thing you call "low populated server?" :o
  5. IIxSubmarinex

    DayZ so F***ing Hacked I can't play.

    Ghosting is basically where someone stalks you :P
  6. IIxSubmarinex

    Starter weapon...
