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Everything posted by Pozsich

  1. Pozsich


    Can someone tell me where the hell I find food? Or am I having extremely poor luck? My last character died of hunger despite having plenty of water, bandages, and morphine/painkillers and a Lee Enfield with lots of ammo. (like, 80 freaking rounds if you include what was in my pack.) So my newest character is about to die too. I have searched stores, homes, gas stations, barns, factories, lighthouses... I even resorted to firing in the middle of a town and killing all the zombies that came to me. I cannot find any food to save my life, and since I'm about to die of hunger again that's quite literal.
  2. Pozsich

    Leaving Mod for now

    Rocket has said himself he doesn't work for Bohemia Interactive... He was contracted for Arma 3. As far as I know he has nothing to do with making Arma 2.
  3. Pozsich

    My View on the game

    As of now, this game is horrible for me. That being said, let me explain what I was expecting, what I got, and what I'm hoping for. What I was expecting: After watching countless YouTube videos, I decided "I don't even care about ARMA, I'll get it for this mod, because DayZ looks fucking cool, and looks like a lot of fun. I loved the idea of the mod, the gameplay looked fun, the actually interacting with people in realistic settings looked amazing, and I loved the idea of a difficult, unforgiving game. That being said, here's what I feel like I got: A heap of disappointment, and frustration. First, I spawned with bandages and painkillers, and I thought "Oh wow, looks like a new patch changed it? No problem, I know where to go, how to hide, and how to scavenge." So I set off. It didn't take me long to find a place to scavenge at, I found a small village on the coast somewhere. I have been running crouched the whole time, upon first seeing the buildings, I pause and look for zombies. Seeing none, I then proceed, crouched walking, towards the first building. Upon reaching this building, I start looking for an entrance. Before finding one, five running zombies come around the corner. WTF. They didn't see me. They didn't hear me. Why are they attacking me? So I take off running. And I run. And I run. And I run. And I run. And I keep fucking running with no way to defend myself from the now three zombies chasing me. After about forty-five minutes of doing nothing but running, I begin dying, with my vision blurring. After another solid ten minutes, I die. So, what the hell? I don't know what a new person is supposed to do, because going anywhere to get supplies gets zombies chasing you, and with no gun you basically have to die if zombies are chasing you. So, to a new player starting now, it practically seems like the point of the game is to die. Now, I realize I've ranted here. There won't be any point telling me it's in alpha and I should stop crying, because I've played many mods and I know this. The reason I'm making this post is because I just don't understand what the Devs were thinking with this latest update. What I want to see is basically what I saw in videos of the game before the latest patch. I want to have a shot at living, and I want to be able to have fun. I've played this game for five hours, and in that I've died three times and have only found a single gun, but no ammo for it. It's totally miserable to start right now.
  4. Pozsich

    Is anyone friendly anymore?

    Am I friendly?... Well, I haven't killed anyone yet. That being said, most of my deaths are from cunts I didn't even see before they shot me. And most of my spawns follow up with me using both the starting bandages and painkillers because I got shot while sprinting for the forests. I would probably try to waste anyone I saw while I have a gun because, frankly, I don't trust anyone in this whole game.
  5. Pozsich

    My View on the game

    Thank god for the last hotfix. I was actually able to sneak past zombies. And I got my first gun with ammo! Lee Enfield... Time to player kill >:) BTW, can someone tell me how servers updating work? It seems like the vast majority aren't updating, making the ones up to date pretty packed and hard to get into. And after my wonderful experience with the latest hotfix I refuse to play on an earlier version right now :P
  6. Pozsich

    My View on the game

    Oh I know it's a simulator and it's close to my expectations.. the most recent patch seems brokenly difficult for beginners is all. On the bright side, I stole someones bike tonight.
  7. Pozsich

    My View on the game

    And/or make zombie aggro like it used to be. Zombies seem at least four times as alert when I'm playing as they are in any of the videos I've seen.
  8. Pozsich

    My First Day With ...

    Watching videos on YouTube, people are crouch running with zombies all around them at 20 ft or so. When I'm crawling prone and zombie 30 ft away will come kill me. I'm just starting and not very good, but the zombies seem to aggro very very easily now.
  9. Pozsich

    My View on the game

    First, I was walking crouched, as in slow. You can press shift twice to toggle it instead of holding it btw. I had one ear indicator and three eyes, but there was no way the zombies could have seen me. I don't play with the volume loud, but nor do I play with music on. I didn't know they slowed down in buildings, but I've actually only found four building I could enter, one being a barn, so idk if that helps me... I did lose some in the forest once, but it doesn't always work.