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Hendrix (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Hendrix (DayZ)

  1. Hendrix (DayZ)

    Niemands "Cleaning a Village aka Settling down"

    player made fortifications are already in game the problem is that zombies don't even respect walls let alone barbed wire and sandbags....if they fixed these items to be zombie proof you could fortify any pre existing shelter into a zombie fort....
  2. Hendrix (DayZ)

    Solo play + recovering blood

    real blood would have to be matched by type not just any random blood bag would work so the realism is definitely not even coming into play here it is a game mechanic meant to encourage players to need each other. The hunting suffices for solo players see my above posts as to why that is...it was rather detailed as to what to do and how to do it and offered the wiki source for newer players to learn the game....
  3. Hendrix (DayZ)

    Fix bags (If something don't fit!)

    The developer is aware of the bag issue ....read his interview with PC gamer going around on the net he wants to completely revamp the gear system but it will take time as it is a part of the arma 2 main engine and will probably not be in .2 the upcoming patch.
  4. Hendrix (DayZ)

    Solo play + recovering blood

    Solo players DO NOT need any other method to regain blood then what is already in game. I believe your inexperience with game mechanics has led you to this conclusion so I will explain what you as a solo player need to do to survive. 1. get the following items from a multitude of spawns in the game.... axe, hunting knife,matchbook 2. go to a cluster of trees in a forest open your menu and select harvest wood (wood takes 2 slots in your inventory) 3. go find a wild animal cows are great when you kill them they drop 8 meat stakes raw.... 4. after you kill the animal walk up and select gut animal....collect the raw meat... 5.go to a safe area and select your matchbook in your inventory and select create fireplace.... then walk up to it and scroll mouse wheel select light fire ....then walk to it again and select cook meat... 6. all the raw meat in your main inventory will be cooked backpack meat will not be cooked you have to have it in your main inventory. Comparing beans to cooked meat steaks a can of beans gives 200 blood a cooked meat steak give 800 blood and you can eat them one after the other and hunt down as many animals as you want. In fact once you have the 3 tools needed you should never ever have beans pasta or sardines in your inventory they are officially a waste of space you should stock up on meat steaks by hunting in safe pastures or hunt pigs in woods if too many bandits are about.... for further tips on where to get matchbooks which are the rarest of the three items to find go look at the official day Z wiki good luck.... If for some reason you cannot get match books and need food be aware of these two things..... 1. supermarkets in game have a high rate of food spawn look in major cities for them and gather the food.. 2. zombies have a decent chance to drop beans and soda ....lure them out of the city so they cant spawn help then shoot them in the head out of sound aggro range and check their bodies for loot.... you can stay healthy like this too make sure first that you visit a hospital and grab morphine pain pills and bandages just in case you get swiped unluckily and break a leg
  5. Hendrix (DayZ)

    Bring back Markov at spawn

    In my opinion at this point in the game you should start with absolutely nothing no painpills or even a bandage or backpack...a flashlight is mandatory because of night cycle being so brutal but that should be your only item at start......finding loot is far too easy and the desperate start is the best part of the game. I never played with a gun I started with no gun and learned the game the hard way so I don't even know what it was like to have it but having loot at start gives pro players a reason to farm the spawn points so that is a no no. Having a gun makes everyone at start trigger happy and is also stupid. Giving people time to make alliances for their own survival makes the game more intense reverting would be a major mistake. On a side note the makarov is the worst gun in the game, I at times leave a makarov and 3 clips in favor of keeping my axe out till I can find a .45 ....I have put a full clip in a zombie and had him still come at me that gun is garbage...not that the melee in the game is any better at the moment but a makarov is a joke.
  6. Hendrix (DayZ)

    many players are quitting

    Your point would hold water if 90% of the "serious criticism" wasn't, "this game sucks" "me and 10 of my friends are leaving this game" "fuck the glitchy zombies and the damn pkers" "fucking Rocket and his lazy game design" "Da barbed wire is hax" "finding food is hard NERF!!!" "waaaahhhhaa where my ba ba...baby need to make da nom nom den make da doodie" I have a feeling neither of you has ever tested a game in your entire life. Testing a game is not fun. testing a game is not rewarding it is painfully boring and involves ALOT of feedback that is written in an intelligent manner describing why certain features are problematic or broken buggy or unplayable. Testing a game does not involve adding in your 2 cents on the suggestion forums. Testing involves finding bugs writing detailed bug reports describing the perfect storm of elements that could have caused said bug including your system specs and waiting patiently for the developer to fix the bug in the next iteration of the game while trying to find new ways to break the game and test the integrity of the code, when the next patch comes you try and re-create the circumstances of said bug to see if it has been fixed if it hasn't you again write a detailed bug report and refrence your previous one so the developer knows it is still a continuing problem... So on and so on till the game is out of alpha and beta....and finally ...finally released where half the bugs will still be present and get ironed out in post release patches...if you don't believe me see any Bethesda Elder Scrolls/Fallout game for bugs galore even post launch... What people are doing on the suggestion forums is not testing the game they are suggesting features they would like to see in the game inventing what if scenario's and basically posting fan fiction of what they imagine would be cool. That is a far cry from testing a game. If either of you is interested in testing this game you would be posting on the bug forums and following the steps I described above but your not your just bitching and moaning when we have an as yet unreleased patch so we don't know what has or hasn't been improved. Your simply speculating on if the game sucks instead of improving it with work and yes real testing is work ...you don't get paid but then again neither does Rocket. You do it for the joy of knowing the game will improve. That is not what either of you or the majority of the forums is doing so pleas stfu and stop whinning.
  7. Hendrix (DayZ)

    many players are quitting

    to the mouthbreathing dipshit that wrote this.... 1. no one gives a flying fuck about your life and no one asked about your personal buisness but since you want to air it here are my thoughts.... a. The police should be called immediately and the "girls" parents imformed a child molesting psycopath has abducted a small child. Real men are with women not girls. b. Anyone that gets on the internet talking about what they have either a.) doesnt have shit and wishes he did or b.) has a horrible self image and belongs on anti-depresants....seek medical attention from a psychiatrist either way.... c. If your "new to these online game things" ...snicker....Why are you talking like your the fucking guru on them? For the record an alpha is usually not playable for the public it is only done internal at the game studio so that the developers can work out the kinks...next comes the beta where after extensive internal testing the developer makes the hard decissions on what to keep or cut and what makes the core of the game once an internal and private beta is done then finally they do a public beta where the public gets to see the game for the first time.... Generally the only people that see an alpha build or a pre-public beta game are the gaming press. Instead of being a large arrogant cunt like yourself Rocket decided to allow the fans to shape the mod. (which he is not being paid for and which you did not pay for) By giving the fans of the mod unprecidented access we are able to basically help him design what the final game will be. Rocket has a very small team. Rocket is not working at fucking Activision Blizzard with a gazillion dollar budget...yet when you see his post ID he has over 1k responses where he is actively talking to fans and getting feedback to improve the game. Generally speaking only after a final public beta is the finished online game properly released to the public in polished form. The games stages progress at the developers own pace not at the pace whinny brat self entitled gamers decide it is done. I seriously doubt you wrote a personal check to Rocket to help him with development cost so why the fuck do you think your entitled to tell him when the fuck he needs to finish by? 2. In regards to your total lack of respect towards the forums and the people on them.... I know many differnt gamers of all shape and sizes genders and sexual persuasions. When I was in the military I knew marines that would rip your diseased head of your shoulders for talking the pile of verbal diarrhea that you spewed towards them. You don't know anyone your speaking to on these forums or what they are going through. I have known marines on game forums and online games who were currently stationed in Iraq or Afghanistan...they are neither pasty or virgins. Maybe you should take your butthurt bullshit and self entitled attitude and shove it where the sun don't shine we don't need shitheads like you on the forums fuck off and pray to God you never meet me in real life and start talking the wild shit you started spewing here...real men don't have keyboard courage...they will just curb stomp your pansy ass.
  8. Hendrix (DayZ)

    many players are quitting

  9. Hendrix (DayZ)

    Option to nerf PvP?

    The game is not about survival it is about what you do to survive. If you are somewhat competent at this game you can have all the tools to make food and water infinitely within the first hour of any play session after that human interaction either friendly or hostile is all the game has left to experience (nerfing) that or making it less of a focus would ruin this game as it is all there is to do outside of the initial rush to collect gear.
  10. Hendrix (DayZ)

    Unstuck option

    Read the patch notes the debug forest thing is getting fixed in .2 it was a corrupt data issue the terrain issues are another thing but this is an alpha build no crap there are bugs you as an alpha player should submit a bug report not whine about them on the suggestions forum this is not a suggestion topic. It is a topic that needs to be handeled on a case per case basis with a bug report.
  11. Hendrix (DayZ)

    God damn barbed wire!

    Wow really...something is hindering your progress and making your life difficult in a game about survival....what next gonna complain the zombies never give you foot massages and put a mint under your pillow? ...... Seriously though barbwire is another item that can be infinitely spawn untill .2 launches so you see it alot after the patch it should not be around as much. They need to make it not go through walls though and is should take more slots in inventory It makes no sense that wood for a fire place takes more room then a roll of barb wire that can cover a 30 foot area. It really isnt that bad though it is hardly as dire a situation as the zombie respawn rate and pathing issues.
  12. Hendrix (DayZ)

    Non-enterable Houses

    The easy solution to this issue is recognizing the house designs that spawn loot....also note the sheds that are enterable the outhouses ect. there are more spots in villages then you may think and some unenterable houses do spawn loot in front of the door if there is a small enterable ovehang in front of the door
  13. Hendrix (DayZ)

    Simple Solution to Loot Farming via Server Hopping

    Oh and one more point about realism in day Z .....copied and pasted from rocket out of a post made today ..... Post: #45 rocket DayZ Staff Posts: 1,176 Joined: Apr 2012 RE: many players are quitting Rocket says- This mod is not about realism. Realistic combat? I was a soldier, it's fucking boring 99% of the time. This mod is designed to have the authenticity required to model and produce some authentic emotional responses. Reality has many concessions made against it in order to achieve this authenticity in the brief time a player is present in the world. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- I have discoverd a far less intrusive manner to fix the "issue" this solution doesn't affect anyones style of play or ability to aquire gear it allows for total personal freedom and fixes everything .... here it goes.... MIND YOUR OWN BUISNESS... I have never worried about what loot anyone else has but me, I search for what I need and take whatever steps necessary to aquire it. If only the kiddies would get around to learning the spawns points by reading the Day Z wiki they could drop this nonsensical topic....if your complaining about not finding anything there is no way you have moved out of the basic spawns in the costal cities I go to the interior towns and not only don't see people I can loot with reckless abandon with minimal zombie interference this is a learn to play issue only...
  14. Hendrix (DayZ)

    Simple Solution to Loot Farming via Server Hopping

    People who log in for the first time in an hour do not have a loot penalty' date=' so your point is moot. The only people penalized by loot suppression would be people who have logged in/out/back in in the course of an hour. Oh, and thanks for pointing out that gem of a side effect - this suggestion ALSO prevents ghosting! Since looting a player counts as LOOT, anyone who uses different servers to ghost behind snipers/attackers would be unable to loot the victims. [/quote'] So if you have a power out, lag or poor internet connection the game will penalize you because of a inherint mechanic that doesnt effect the player base in the least except for a few care bear players that have no idea where loot spawns and keep going to the same spot not finding anything so they go whine on forums about it for 4 hours ....no ...this is not in game and will never be in game.....