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Hendrix (DayZ)

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About Hendrix (DayZ)

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  1. Hendrix (DayZ)


    1.0.2 up with dethrone this video and new polls...please add your comments and suggstions and support the clan and video sections. I will update the guide content with the next major patch, nothing worth talking about was in last one..... Who belongs in the throne? Lube or No Lube or Robot Zombie vote in the Poll... http://youtu.be/1_dHs8KIVTU
  2. I never asked you word one about yourself you volunteered that info, if your done volunteering then fine no problem for me but if you want to lead off a post with "I am a sociopathic introvert" I am bound by the Hippocratic Oath to send you in the right direction once I determine your not some troll making shit up on a forum....
  3. 1. fuck off 2. fuck you 3. ever heard of MASH... a show about a bunch of military doctors that made fun of life while knee deep in the war...sometimes making fun of shit is how you cope with the absurdity of life..... P.S. posting a picture of yourself in green camo holding that weapon leads me to believe you were in the rear with the gear and only saw the inside of an armory....you probably went in and left a pfc...respect your NCO's shithead. I would add gomer pile that if you actualy knew how to read the fucking english language you would know that from the point this guy made it clear he was not joking the only thing I gave him was sound medical advice,and even before that I only slightly ribbed him, but apparently you enjoy jumping to conclusions and tossing your small dick around where it can get stomped on....stay in your lane junior...
  4. Problem is insane people don't know they are crazy in most cases they think they are perfectly normal... and mental health is a much bigger issues then most people think about it being. I'm sure you could name a half dozen people you know on various medications to help them cope with depression anxiety and other mental health related conditions...that should tell you something about the state of mental health. Now imagine if there was a zombie apocalypse and all those wonder drugs got cut off......the crazy would be in full effect......also coping with lonliness for brief periods is perfectly normal...If you lived alone in the woods for months at a time however there would be a sharp change in how you interacted with others and even the levels of certain chemicals in your body. Mental condition is not just an emotional desire it is a physical and chemical reaction that happens in the body and has very scientifically verifiable traits that occur and can be quantified.... I feel that if that could be translated into a horror game like this it could add to the entire affair. There was an old N64 horror game that had a similar style of sytem and the result was a very acid trippy like enjoyable horror experience where you began not just doubting what you could physically accomplish but what reality itself was within the realm of the world...I think that added layer of horror would really add alot to the game.
  5. I am not going to argue over your mental health with you I will however suggest you follow the link to the world renowned mayo clinic and try to draw some paralells between whatever you feel and their diagnosis and the suggestions they offer as to what might be most helpful to you in the way of treatment.....a self diagnosis is not a good one.... http://www.mayoclini...sorder/DS00829/ I would add that having never met you, I know far too much about your personal life this is an indication that you are lonely and want human interaction not that you are somehow immune to it's needs. In about 3 internet posts you have shared a good portion of your life story and with very little to no hesitation that is usually a factor in most peoples dealings over the internet. I personally think you need someone to talk to. Maybe you havn't realized it but your actions indicate it. Often times our actions subconciously betray our needs, look into it bro.
  6. The reason the word disorder is a part of the word Anti-Social Personality Disorder is because it is a condition. It should be treated with couciling and possibly even medication. If you had to leave your job because of something you did or couldn't handle that is called a warning sign. Botling up emotions till they explode or living with feelings of inadiquacy or hatred toward the world around you is not the picture of a normal psycological profile. If you had been honest about said condition on the mental health screaning I know they legaly were required to do before you started carrying a gun as a correctional officer then you would have been excluded from that line of work and for a very good reason. The fact you are intelligent enough to know that you have a "problem" is not a sign of insanity but the fact you so readily share it on an online forum with zero thought towards how you are seen in the world is indicative of a more serious issue. I would strongly suggest psychiatric counciling and meeting with a primary care physician, there is nothing wrong with that I did it after every tour I did in Iraq and if anyone has a problem with that fuck em, the goal is not to prove there is something wrong with you or lower your self esteem but rather to raise your social awareness and personal health making you feel better is not a bad thing....best of luck to you.
  7. The first line of his post is "I am an introverted sociopath"..... I did not insult him I gave him some advice in a joking manner. You may not be aware of this but commonly when people point out things like I have thoughts of hurting myself or I hate myself or I have such and such mental condition it is usually a cry for help.....The dude in the post should seek mental counciling and get it sorted out all joking aside....and playing a game about killing others isnt the way to do it.
  8. I did not put a date on it of two weeks that is your own assumption. I merely suggested having the meter not the time frame of how it would be enacted....also being a military man myself and serving in the va hospital I have seen what killing people and seeing people die can do to you. I have seen several people that survived an IED and watched someone they know die and there is not a time frame involved in how it affects them ....If you saw a loved one get hit by a car you telling me you need 2 weeks or more for a reaction? Your speaking from the place of someone doing virtual killing real life killing is a whole other ballgame and although this game is not real life as Rocket himself has said it is a simulated version so having a pseudo way to express mental health is a good way to add more pseudo realism....it is a game but the more real it feels the better.
  9. ooookkkk.....Take these beans and soda and have a nice day sir......if your a diagnosed sociopath you should sincerely seek some mental health counciling, you should also not be playing a game about murdering other people it is not helping your condition.....just remember I offered you beans and soda...it was all those other fools that were laughing at you......seriously take my beans put the knife down.....
  10. Well sanity is a human trait it is not a matter of being down with it, we have a certain degree of mental anguish or physical pain that we all can take before we break...I don't imagine most people when faced with undead humans trying to hunt you down mercilessly day after day and eat your face off while seeing frined after friend die would be chipper and lively and having fun in the world like we tend to do when we play...I think adding an artificial means to simulate the artificial tragedy of a zombie apocalypse in the game is needed to spice things up and give our character new dimensions...perhaps not in the ways I described but something more is needed to simulate emotional attachment in game.....anyone got any idea's
  11. yeah I said as much in my first paragraph, what I was suggesting was taking an evolved pet system and how people consider pets and human interaction as vital and having it affect your sanity based on your level of human/pet interaction and if pets you drew close too or even people died what effect that would have on your mental health in a real quantifiable way....I think it would be a very interesting thing to explore sanity as the next big meter for the game.... :)
  12. I was thinking about the movie Castaway with Tom Hanks and the way he got so lonely on the island that he eventually created an imaginary friend from a vollyball called wilson and it struck me a sanity meter that would be affected by your social interaction would be an intersting mecanic. I also started thinking about pets and how they provide a certain degree of companionship and combining the two would actually be very natural in a way. Also the many non domestic animals we have and don't have in game and how they play into hunting was also batting around in my head. I find it ironic that we now have many deer stands and no deer and bear traps and no bear. Boars are docile creatures when in real life they would attempt to goar you and there are no bulls in the land of the zeds but plenty of cows also where are the cats and dogs which you would think would be the most rampant of animal since they are the domestic variety. Also why so many stables and no horses roaming? I am aware that Rocket wants to get dogs into the game. I think having an intense pet system that could include horses (ridable horses) and dogs and cats as pets along with needing to care for them or train them to do things would be really cool and interesting.... Here are some suggestions I brainstormed. Sanity system..... Sanity could require you to either interact with other humans and talk with them in a specially designes proximity based chat system or have a companion in the form of a pet...cats, dogs, rabbits, horses ect. that you feed, train and care for. As sanity degrades you would begin to halucinate...you would see zombies running at you ghosts of your dead family and children chasing after you and a mysterious man in black that would mercilessly hunt you from time to time complete with his own creepy chase music....the catch would be that even though this was only in your mind you would have to use your ammo to kill the apparitions simulating your mind supressing the complete loss of sanity. If you didnt they would catch up and attack causing non bleed sanity damage to a meter that when empty would cause a total psycotic break where you would just start talking to yourself while wandering aimlessly being moved around randomly....for a few second then colapse mentally exhausted... while in this state you would randomly lose controll of your character for a few seconds at a time and begin wandering till you removed the effect with human interaction...a player could slap you or shake you to bring you out of the effect or a pet could nuzzle you and bring you back. If you stayed in the effect for too long you would just swallow your own gun or slit your wrists or break your own kneck with your bare hands depending on what equipment you currently had on you.... Pet system..... Not only having an animal that you would have to feed and nurture but also having a pet that you could train to do a variety of tasks would be cool. The Sanity meter function would give them a duel purpose as well. I was imagining that say a dog could be trained to fetch items from inside houses...when you activated him you could take control of him and have him run into an area , zombie aggro free and retrieve one item in his mouth...the rub would be your character would be vulnerable in the world so there would still be risk involved is someone found your character prone in the grass somewhere but it could still pay off... cats could have chem lights affixed to them at night or a bell then sent to walk in a pattern in a certain directon they would pull zombie aggro their direction without ever being attacked themselves. Rabbits could be used as bate for some of the newer predatory animals to chase and thus would help in your hunting efforts by leading an animal into your gun sights....Horses could be found tamed and eventually rideable....each animal would have it's own care needs training requirements and special skills,a pet dying would cause a dent in your sanity meter based on how long you had them. Predatory/Wild animals.... Wolves, Bear, Mountain Lion, Bulls,Coyote animals that will attack alone or in packs and would make night travel in the woods far from the safety net it seems to be at the moment. You could even have an extreme taming feature that would allow said animals to be trapped and tamed with a lengthy process and used to do attacks on zombies or other players.Certain animals could even be tranquilized and put inbetween the barbed wire adding to bunker or base defenses. Wild animals like deer could be gutted and have their pelts turned into clothing or custom bags and water sacks as well as trophies. Wild animals could also bite and cause infection requiring antibiotics or a rabies shot and even a fever mechanic that would add to the temp meters current useage in game. Hunting revised.... With more in depth animal behavior hunting could be a much more naturallly chalenging task....knowing that non domiesticated animals will run and dart about as well as even attack it would make the whole affair far more fun and interactive....you would need bate... say truffles for example to lure boar and there would be risk involved which is a far cry from the current system Those are my ideas feel free to spin them off and discuss further.....
  13. Hendrix (DayZ)

    Ok so my guy became a cow... what now?

    3 quick questions to anyone polymorphed.... 1. Did you lose all your gear when you relogged? 2. Did a relog fix it or did you have to do a bug report? 3. Has anyone died as an animal and do you know if ti causes gear reset?
  14. Hendrix (DayZ)

    Darwin List: Banned Users

    Before you play most online games you get a 3-12 page user agreement that pop up that details everything you can and can't do....you see this in most games you play online these days...that doesn't exist for this game because it is not a game it is a mod. You could howerver atribute the Arma 2 user agreement and I'm sure it would detail any and all banable onine offenses that may have happened to people playing Arma 2 in the day zed mod. The fact is there are resources that exist out there that inform you wrong from right. Even if there were not, I don't know what country you live in but in most not knowing something is criminal doesn't excuse you from prosecution based on your actions so the I didn't know I was a haxor argument doesn't wash in real life so why would it wash in the game? I can't fly to Ireland and drunk drive, then when the cop stops me claim that I thought that wouldn't be frowned upon based on the stereotypes I grew up with? Can I go to Japan and cut someone up with a samuri sword because I said I saw it in a ninja movie? What intrinsic right do you assume you have to do whatever you want? If you don't read the user agreement to Arma 2 or the forums of Day Z and you do a bannable offense you deserve said ban. It's up to the devs to determine if they let you back in the game you don't have any intrinsic right to special treatment outside the paramiters of the UA or the established forum guidelines. I could make your argument right here in the forums and make a bunch of sarcastic curses against you then claim I didn't know what I was allowed to write in a forum post that wouldn't however make it a logical or defensible argument. It would make me lazy and idiotic. If you join any online social experience it is your personal responsibility to learn what is socialy acceptable within it and to behave to the social norms in that environment not for it to bend to your own personal moral compass. I wouldn't fly to some temple in India and ask if the guy could take the cow out back shoot it and make it into a cheeseburger. Why? Beacause I would take the time to investigate the culture and know that was insulting the same can be said for this issue anyone not taking the time but doing the crime is not exempt from punishement in any government I am aware of so please get your head back into the real world and treat this issue with the same gravity and admit personal culpability if in fact you did something bannable people. If it was a bug, or you were accidently banned and did nothing there is a bug forum and a specific section for disputing bans if you guys read the forums you would know that. Use the provided resources, but the I'm innocent Rocket stop developing the game and talk to me personally about it threads are laughable nonsense....keep dreaming
  15. Hendrix (DayZ)

    Darwin List: Banned Users

    Every other post in this topic...... "So I was running around Chernarus yesterday and I found the Starship Enterprise at the downed chopper." "I asked scotty to beam me up then I ordered him to activate the warp drive and I sling shotted around the sun and went back in time to patch so I could still wear a Ghillie suit without losing my gear ....I then launched a photon torpedo and killed half the server...after many warnings from the devs I powered down the drive landed the ole girl and then it swept over me like a mountain of tribbles....what if.... what If I had just picked up a hacked weapon?!?....I'm a total noob and have no idea what this game is about despite the myriad of guides, online maps, wiki and youtube and twitch tv streams so I figured I'd ask in the forums cause I don't want to get banned. I'm doing the right thing man not like those hackers" 2 days later...... "WTF Rocket, I got perma banned what the heck?" It's not like I go and read the internet to figure stuff out how was I supposed to know what weapons were in this mod?" "It's not like it has a wiki or a forum page ear marked announcements or like Arma 2 has a user agrement that is quite extensive that I could have read" 3 days later....... "So I totaly HAD to buy another copy of Arma 2 as a work around to this false banning situation." " Now I totaly see why the devs in this game suck, I might have to sell both my preused copies of arma 2 on ebay under false pretenses to some sucker cause if the state of this game doesn't improve it's bound to die" Every day Rocket reads the forums..... (facepalm.....facepalm...facepalm.......)