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About HacksignX

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  1. HacksignX

    Trading M4A1 CCO SD for DMR

    Deals off D:
  2. HacksignX

    Trading M4A1 CCO SD for DMR

    Hold on. The server that I had the stuff in the helicopter in restarted in mid-flight unprovoked...
  3. HacksignX

    Trading M4A1 CCO SD for DMR

    Log on to US 505 and tell me to check my messages via sidechat if I don't do so automatically. :P Look forward to trading with y'all.
  4. HacksignX

    Off-map area question

    If that happened to be, then I'd just swim until I was sick and then go on the DayZ forums for medic help and ride back with them :P
  5. HacksignX

    Off-map area question

    Thanks. No helo parking there for me I guess :c
  6. Are the coordinates 233152 off the map/outside of map limits? Thankyou :P
  7. :o Just as the title says. I'm up for negotiation. I'll ask for certain different quantities of mags for specific items. A quick table I'll make for y'all: NVGs: 5 mags GPS: 3 mags Rangefinder: 2 mags ghillie/camo clothing: 1 mag Everything else is negotiable. :P I won't be checking on this for a little while, so send me messages or respond to this post and I'll get back to you in like half an hour/hour.
  8. HacksignX

    Traders and Traitors List

    fred -1 Ricky Grimes -1 I went to go to a trade with only fred, but he had his friend shoot me in the back. I guess a double negative?
  9. HacksignX

    Trading Ghillie Suit for E-tool

    You judge me by the merit of my name? That speaks volumes of YOUR character. I have a lot of ghillies; I go to residential often. I don't go to military often; too high risk imo. I'll take some mags, literally if you have them. Specifically Stanag SD's. Otherwise, if you'd like me hold the double standard, then I'd say that someone titled "AppleJax", a character from a childs show, should be far away from children.
  10. HacksignX

    Trading Ghillie Suit for E-tool

    Message me, my in-game name is X and I can be trusted :F I'd prefer to meet in the north/northeastern hemisphere of the map. I play on US 505 alot. :o
  11. Name: X Conditions: (Low on blood) (Infected; need antibiotics) Location: Inside of the long barn in Grishino right by the big antenna with the spherical globe on top of it. Description: Ghillie suited, dark skin. EDIT: I was greeted with welcome arms, given more supplies than I even needed as an act of gratitude by TMW Se7eN, in-game name John Smith, before being offered to be given a ride to anywhere on the map. Only problem I encountered was that his voice was difficult to discern at times and I wished he typed so that he could be concisely understood.
  12. Hello. I didn't download the hotfix so I burned through 6 antibiotics in less than 4 minutes at the NWAF and now I'm hiding in a nearby barn, logged-off, almost dead from infection because my body doesn't have it's own immune system apparently. To be straight to the point, I'm willing to trade NVG's for someone to bring me: -At least one antibiotic -A transfusion for me. EDIT: I have already made the transaction. Thankyou everyone!
  13. Can I get some help here? :/
  14. HacksignX

    Can't join any server :'(

    I have this too. It's not that simple Pieman. We get kicked after being 30seconds-1 min for just being in the server, regardless if we click OK or not.