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About Zerzala

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  1. Some people complain about frequently repeating building assets, but I'll touch on the basics, that is, assets of existing buildings. There are still quite a few purely decorative buildings in the game (such is: land_hotel, land_mine_building etc) that are impossible to enter or a large area of which is inaccessible. It would be great to eliminate such an incident by working on the interior. When you can enter absolutely every building, search it, maybe make a base there, it’s authentic and very atmospheric.
  2. Music has been added to the game, but it plays so rarely, as if it doesn’t exist at all. Why not add an option for the frequency of playing melodies, by type - often, moderately, rarely.
  3. Zerzala

    Street names and house numbers

    It would be great to add in big cities like Novodmitrovsk, Chernogorsk and the like - street names and house numbers, as in real life, at least on high-rise buildings. This not only looks authentic and atmospheric, but also allows you to more accurately indicate the place to your comrades, naming the street and house number.