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Everything posted by Gothith

  1. It was a great success! I was bored kind of just doing some idle wandering around when there were a couple of guys talking in side about trying to get a car together. Enter Trevor, mild mannered never had a car before player. I thought I'd just pick up any tires he needed while I was moving about. However I got hit by a zombie who knocked me out in one shot and then I died. So gosh darnnit I was going to help this guy! I re-spawnded near electro and grabbed all the parts and such I needed and proceeded to trek all the way to stary where we going to meet. Sadly he died on his way there so I fixed a car and drove to pick him up. We went on a grand adventure trying to find his corpse before the server reset. Sadly not making it but still having a good time running down zombies on the tarmac. Sadly I died from starvation because I didn't grab quite enough food on my way out of town (two tires take up a lot of space :P). Trevor mentioned he'd never had anyone try and help him. I hope that I changed his mind about shooting people on sight. I had more fun playing tonight than I have in many months. So hooray for helping people! - Gothith
  2. I started right when the no gun patch came out. Sure it was a little rough figuring out a couple of things at first but really it's all about persistence. Just the other day I was braving Cherno hoping to find something of use. I managed a makarov with a single clip after 40 min. then got my legs taken out by some guy taking potshots at me. Then I crawled across Cherno for 3 hours finding food to heal myself before a kind survivor took pity on me and helped me out.
  3. Had a blast in the game tonight thanks to your miraculous save. Really glad you showed up. Hope to see you again in the world. My computer had an error and died on me and before I could get it back up you had moved on. Hit me with a Pm if you ever want to kill some zombies again. -Jon To everyone else if you come across him and and a person willing to not shoot first he's a great guy to not kill. (PS If I totally just got the username wrong then whoops! I checked the server and that looked like it was the right one.)