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Everything posted by blacklist

  1. blacklist

    Heroes few and far between?

    was at 15-20k humanity and two guilie guy tryed to gang bang me on a roof had to kill them :( back to like 5-7k
  2. Âge: 18 Nom in-game: LEGIT! Nom steam: BlackListv6 Quand êtes vous en ligne: quand jque ya du monde a jouer avec et pas d'ecole Avez vous un micro: oui Depuis quand jouez vous à DayZ: 1-2 mois Votre rôle préféré (Sniper, pilote, etc, etc): Pomal n'inporte quoi tant qu'il a de action Arme préféré: SAW/M107 Humanité (Bandit/Survivant/Héros): Héros Skype : Sbrideau1994 Age :18 Ingame name : LEGIT! Steam ID BlackListv6 Online time : Anytime there is someone to play with Do you have a microphone? Yes When have you start Dayz : about 1-2 month ago What you want to play ( Sniper, Assault, Medic, etc ) willing to play anything im mostly scout with my friend Favorite guns : SAW/M107 Humanity ( Bandits/Survivor/Hero ) : Hero Skype : Sbrideau1994 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^--For mods crying for english
  3. blacklist

    Mk 48 Mod 0, dropping Backpack

    The mk48 u found has been spawned by hacker it remove backpack when u take it