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About Koherence

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Koherence

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I need some morphine and a blood transfusion. Also i hunting knife would be cool to get some meat. I'm at balota airfield. If any doctors are on call right now they can PM me or post in here. Thanks! **EDIT** Cancel my cry for help, I received helped from a friend.
  2. Koherence

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    For some reason going from to 1.7.2 seems like a major jump in development. Something made me expect more "new" things, but I guess fixing debug forest and optimizing performance is just a big. I also don't know how much effort/coding goes into certain things that rocket does. Some things could be easy fixes some could require complete overhauls. Regardless, thanks for being amazing and keep true to your development style. I love rockets ideaology on game development.
  3. Completely true Euphe, thats one of the main elements of the game. Its a eat or be eating type of world. I've been killed a whole bunch of times, and i've done my share of killing, but thats just how the game rolls.
  4. Here's what I have learned from 50+ hours of playing. I do play with friends, about 6 of them, but they tend to die often which in turn gets me killed. I started to play alone a bit, because they also seem to want to go to Cherno where shit usually hits the fan. So i became a lone warrior to get geared and settled in the game. I headed north. Spawned at Otmel and went inland. Found gear, only saw about 5 zombies, got mad food, water, guns, ammo, never saw a player. I'm too tired of spawning and going to main cities when you first start. I now trust no one, since I've been effed over SO many times. Now I shoot on sight, besides at my friends. I only killed one of them once, and it was completely by accident.
  5. Koherence

    Too much Hatchet spawning

    Completely agreed, in one warehouse I found 4 hatchets. A little overkill, espeically when a makarov could have helped me out a bit more
  6. Date/Time: Spanning from when came out, until now. [] What happened: After about 10-15 minutes of gameplay, framerate drops to a whopping 5-8fps. Whereas I originally load into the game with a solid 30+. I've tried multiple servers also. Happens in all of them. Where you were: Mainly around Cherno hospital/outskirts of the city. What you were doing: Walking, even laying prone not doing anything for about 5 minutes. I'll take cover on a roof, go to get a drink from my fridge, come back, and its like I'm playing the game on a computer from the 90s. FPS drops dramatically. Almost unplayable. *Current installed version: 93825 beta patch *Server(s) you were on: Dallas 41/NY2/Dallas2/Seattle 21/and others *Your system specs: AMD Phenom II X6 1305t ~2.8Ghz EVGA GTX 550TI Kingston 16gb RAM *Timeline of events before/after error: No error message, just game performance drop.
  7. All is well so far. I'm still having horrid frame rate issues since Zombie aggro range is better but still somewhat haywire. Even when standing still, when I hit Z to go in prove, my character will drive instead of simply going prone. As simple as they are, handguns like the makarov and G17 aren't spawning as frequently as they probably should. Especially since that is supposed to be the "starting" weapon, and now you don't even start with a weapon. Its cool that you don't start with a weapon, that I don't mind. But at least make simple pistols a little more common to find. There are time when I actually find myself finding double-barrel shotguns before a pistol. Meh. Amazing idea, Amazing mod, keep it up.