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Ozzy (DayZ)

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Posts posted by Ozzy (DayZ)

  1. Seriously whats with all these quitting threads? This game doesn't owe you anything I know you probably just died but thats what makes this game good. I installed and spawned in that giant field thing and lost my set of gear' date=' i didn't have NVG never had those yet lol. But everything else so i know how tough it is to start without a weapon but it is fun and its nice to know when someone comes and shoots me they EARNED that gun and just didn't spawn with it lol.


    As my first post, i would like to say that it's fair enough. I like the idea of having no weapon on you. It's really an survival then.

    But as for me it's unfair since others that got to play it earlier was given the opportunity to have an gun and by now we, the new players are an easy kill. On one half who would shoot an newb just to get what ? On the second half, kill them for fun!!
