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About Revant

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  1. The "Realism/fun" of prone crawling at 1 mph 10 feet away from 5 zombies that can't see/smell you for some reason while guys in ghille suits snipe at you with high powered rifles, while you can't fight back is EXTREMELY debatable....
  2. ^ this guy just wants you to be less geared and waste your time so he can gear up inland with all the better loot. This method is 95% safe (pretty good for day z) and will waste 10x less of your time, don't play the game like the bandits want you too. Feel free to sneak about and "play the game" once you can defend your selves guys, but sneaking through cherno with no gun WILL get you killed (mostly by players) 90x faster than this method.
  3. Revant

    Today is the first day...

    http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=19294&pid=172783#pid172783 Check this out man, no more throwing fists at your monitor!
  4. Guys I just got this game a little while ago so im not pretending to be the most expert leet Day Z player in the game but let me tell you the newbie guides are all lying to you! Here is how to really get a new player to not starve to death and get eaten by zombies in Day Z. So here we go... NEVER EVER EVER sneak anywhere, sneaking is for when you have guns and don't want player to know your around, sneaking will just waste hours of your time at this stage in the game (its very helpful for sneaking up up players when killing zombies would give you away and later in the game when you actually have something you care about losing) and if a zombie actually sees you sneaking around he'll get a free hit off on you while you get up (at which point you should immediately re spawn your character as you wont find a blood pack for days and days and will have nothing on you anyway). Run full speed through all the coastal towns (do this in low pop servers) looking for building that actually have insides (this will be about 1 building in 15 by my count) of these building 8/10 of them wilk have nothing but empty cans and flares you don't need. Zombies will never catch up to you if you keep moving try to train as many as you can. The good building usually have multiple rooms inside them. When you see a nice building run in side the zombies will have a little trouble getting inside, look around if you see something you like or the building only has one exit, immediately hit esc > abort > disconnect > Rejoin. This will make all the zombies chasing you disappear completely loot the room calmly. Now you have 2 choices if you think its a nice big building with good spawns, you can exit the server and rejoin a new ones with really lower server pops and reloot the room on all the different servers (this is the safest way to actually find a gun, it will take on average about 10-20 server swaps but you'll find something to defend your self with eventually) or you can just repeat what you were doing before (this is less safe as players can see you and missteps will make you lose precious blood which you can only really recover at this stage by suicide). Using this method you will be able to reach a point where you can actually play this mod how ever you want much much much quicker than how others would suggest you start. Once you find a decent gun and some food/water head inland and start being sneaky you be able to cover your sneaking errors a lot better with a gun and some ammo. I suggest trying to find some areas with medical supplies and repeating choice #1 a good number of times until you stock up on blood packs and bandages. I can't stress enough how if you take any damage at all before you find relevant gear that suiciding and respawning will save you just a whole crap load of time, you lose nothing and most of the time you get respawn in an area you haven't run through yet so better chances of finding a building with something useful in it. I can't tell you how much time i wasted actually trying to sneak around and deal with having no gun / no first aid and low bp, full health and and a new bandage is just a click away! But with this new technique I discovered you shouldn't have to many problems with zombies as they just seem to disappear when you do it. Anyways good luck out there guys I hope to see more of you actually doing something useful and fun now!
  5. Revant

    Only Real Complaint

    Haha actually Walking Dead is my favorite comic and frankly if I can't kill zombies in a sweet cowboy hat, whats the point?
  6. Revant

    Only Real Complaint

    If you've ever read any zombie survival media you would realize the importance of wearing cool hats. They intimidate zombies and help other survivors tell your alive, zombies never wear cool hats...
  7. So I got some friends together we all bought Arma 2 and hoped on Day Z. Man it was pretty ridiculous at first patch was not friendly to newbies stumbling around in the dark trying to figure out Arma 2 ungainly control scheme made for mutant people with 8 fingers on each hand. But we all died a bunch and figured it out painstakingly found some guns found each other used the guns to help the rest of us get guns. Some of us died, some of us were killed, we all eventually met up and figured out we only had to find one building with nice stuff in it and then switch servers to a bunch of weird Russian servers with 0 population until we had so much loot we couldn't hold it any more and we all got geared up! So we finally formed a "band" of merry men. We got some nice guns and killed a lot of zombies, and killed a lot of the NPC's that are running around the game (nice touch they look alot more realistic than the zombies and have way better loot). We quickly decided the NPC's were the way to go and stopped messing around with the zombies which always allied up against us in huge horde, while the NPC's wandering about seemed to kill each other more often than team up (great survivor AI). We ran into some other players (the only way we could really tell the difference between players and the AI guys were the players had towels wrapped around their heads for some reason, should look into that) and had some fun battles! But our only real complaint about the whole situation was the lack of Ten Gallon Hats. It was very difficult to tell our group from the NPC's running around the game with us not being able to wear ten gallon hats. We sometimes shot actual players!!!! If we were able to remove our towels and wear bandito hats this would happen much less! Perhaps an ability to loot these hats from the NPC survivors? We also humbly request the ability to play the benny hill music from ATV's so we can identify incoming friendlies.
  8. By Far my #1 issue with this game is an immersion breaking lack of ten gallon hats, I got all my friends into this game, we roll together and hunt survivors err i mean Zombies. But we can't even all wear bandito hats while charging into battle, its really ruining our fun.
  9. Revant

    New player Questions

    3. I understand they are in building and stuff but it seems like every building has zombies and with no gun zombies = dead? I mean i could run 1km to next building but then it has zombies too. How do you get in the barn with out getting eaten??
  10. I got a friend to get Arma 2 and we started together for the first time on Day Z last night and man I have some questions. 1. Who designed Arma 2's Control scheme?? It took us about 20 minutes just to figure out how to move/crouch/prone stand up. Is there some kind of guide to make your controls usable by someone with 5 fingers? 2. How do server decide night/day? Every server we joined seemed to be night time, we couldn't see anything and it seems all the flashlight is for is giving people epilepsy while running. 3. How are we supposed to get guns? I'd say we both died about 25 times 40 feet from were we spawned (usually less) by 2-5 zombies that just ran to were we spawned at and ate us. Are we supposed to just suicide until we don't see any zombies around? We eventually did this but then it seemed like no matter how slowly we crawled up to a town every zombie would see us a million miles away (even if we tried it in pitch black w/no light). It would be different if we could actually fight back, but it was just like oh zombies saw us /abort /leave /rejoin. Walk 10 feet here comes zombies /abort/leave/rejoin. 4. Is there some way to spawn close to your friends? I mean even just in the beginning? Then at least we could have laughed at each other while we got eaten alive while complete defenselessly.