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Everything posted by Dragonslayer10

  1. Date/Time: 7/9/12 1:00 pm EST What happened: Respawned in the middle of Wilderness with nothing on me at all. Also the area I spawned in was untextured land. Where you were: Gas Station near Pustoshka What you were doing: At the gas station with vehicle, got the message no response to server. Then I disconnected and reconnected to the server 5 mins later. Respawned in the Wilderness with nothing on my character at all. *Current installed version: v1.7.5 *Server(s) you were on: North Carolina 11 *Your system specs: Windows 7 64x, i7 920 2.67ghz, 9 gb rams gtx 580 *Timeline of events before/after error: Loading the van got the no response to server message. Disconnected then reconnected and spawned in the middle of nowhere with not a thing on my character. *This is the first time I am reporting this bug, however this is about the 10th time this has happened. Normally I haven't had items on my character worth while of posting this bug, however this time I had a lot.