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Everything posted by pedromanoel20

  1. pedromanoel20

    my steam account got banned

    a few days ago my steam account along with my discord account was hacked, and it kept sending this message to people https://prnt.sc/qxcrT1LGAppv could it have something to do with this? I already recovered both accounts and even played dayz for several hours, today I arrived to play and came across this ban.
  2. pedromanoel20

    my steam account got banned

    hello, I'm contacting you to request that my game account be unbanned, I don't understand the reason for the ban, I have 945 hours of play and I've never used any kind of cheat, and I'm not a toxic player, I didn't do anything like, I would like to know the reason for my banishment. and I want to request the unbanning of the account. https://prnt.sc/VRYS7EXZjv-s My account is the one in the photo on the link, I love this game. but I don't understand the reason for the ban
  3. pedromanoel20

    my steam account got banned

    I've been a steam user for over 9 years and I've had dayz for over 3 years, people have definitely made a mistake.