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Everything posted by Sloshyman

  1. Since this new patch has come out, starting a new character can be next to impossible. Here's my main beef with the patch: You start out with only a bandage, flashlight, and painkillers. To find food, water, weapons, etc. you need to search zombie infested areas. The zombies are line of sight now, so if you're spotted (Which you almost always will be) you're only option is to run. At least with a melee weapon we could fight one or two at least! Now, I know there's a way to lose the zombies in the buildings, but it doesn't work most of the time (At least for me). If you would like to start spawning with a weapon again, please post a comment.
  2. Sloshyman

    coop squads

    I think it would be a good idea. In a zombie apocalypse, you wanna team up with people you already know.
  3. Sloshyman

    Petition to spawn with a weapon!

    Thanks for the feed back