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    On the Coast

    Был забанен сегодня 20.06.2023

    Played 15 minutes on the server PVE, after updating at 15:10, was already with VALVE BAN. https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199447943843/ Bought the game today. Downloaded the server. Played 15 minutes and BAN. Did not use anything third party.Swapped the game to connect the music, also connected the second monitor open browsers. I'm giving my money back for the game and I won't take any more of your games! Please remove my VAC ban! For violations of my part did not what!

    Был забанен сегодня 20.06.2023

    Played 15 minutes on the server PVE, after updating at 15:10, was already with VALVE BAN. https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199447943843/ Bought the game today. Downloaded the server. Played 15 minutes and BAN. Did not use anything third party.Swapped the game to connect the music, also connected the second monitor open browsers. I'm giving my money back for the game and I won't take any more of your games! Please remove my VAC ban! For violations of my part did not what!

    Был забанен сегодня 20.06.2023

    Купил игру сегодня. Скачал сервер. Поиграл 15 минут и BAN. Ничего стороннего не использовал.Свапал игру чтобы музыку подключить, еще подключен второй монитор открыты браузеры. Bought the game today. Downloaded the server. Played 15 minutes and BAN. Did not use anything third party.Swapped the game to connect the music, also connected the second monitor open browsers.
  4. Поиграл 15 минут на сервере PVE , после обновления в 15:10 , был уже с VALVE BAN. Played 15 minutes on the server PVE, after updating at 15:10, was already with VALVE BAN. https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199447943843/