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Everything posted by juustobudi

  1. account is only used by me, no one hacked it or anything, i would have know if someone logged in my steam account because its authenticator proofed, so thats out of option that someone used my account and got me banned. And now what do i use: CrosshairX + ReShade, but 80% players like use these softwares, have been using years. so i think its out of option too.
  2. So case is, today 6/19/23 i got banned after 15 years playing game legit. and i have noticed, that TONS of players like have this exactly same issue, so now im curious. IS THERE A SINGLE PLAYER WHO HAS GOT HIMSELF UNBANNED AFTER APPEALING? this is the question i would like to answer, am i here just wasting my time or does bohemia actually care these type of situations?
  3. this is obviously happening to alot of players, happened to me too today 6/19/23, after 15 years legitimately playing DayZ, this feels little bit unfair, that i get ban for no reason at all. just calm up boys, im sure this will be solved in like 2weeks, I HOPE.