Want to start off by saying that I have owned this game since 2019 and never enjoyed it until just recently because I finally found a server that made it playable where I don't die every 5 seconds playing solo or forcing me to join with randoms, however that was recently almost threatened by "entitled" mod developers. I fully understand how much time and effort goes into making a mod but if you post your mod where it can be used and "adjusted" in a public setting I feel like you understood the risks when you posted it. It does not give you the right to come into a server and start demanding monetary compensation when you post it for people to access it. I have finally found a server that I can play on and when the server offered a "plan" to make a little bit of money to cover server costs(never finalized but wanted community input), all the mod developers apparently came out of the woodwork and started bashing the server owners and admin team where they started pulling mods that affect my gameplay. I am disappointed with Bohemia Interactive that they allow modders to bully server owners to where it affects YOUR players to the point of where I almost want to say I regret purchasing the game again. I am refraining from posting the server name or the modders in question until I hear from someone from the developer team.