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Remix (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Remix (DayZ)

  1. Remix (DayZ)

    spawning unconsious constantly

    Wait the five minutes...
  2. Remix (DayZ)

    Getting kicked for no reason.

    Hi, http://dayzmod.com/f...before-posting/
  3. Remix (DayZ)

    Problem Updating to

    Hi, http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/29431-look-at-this-thread-before-posting/ Enjoy playing!
  4. Remix (DayZ)

    Help with maximizing my FPS!

    Hi, Is there anything running in the background whilst playing?
  5. Remix (DayZ)

    Error creating direct3D 9 graphical engine

    Head to the Troubleshooting section mate and read the stickies. Cheers.
  6. Remix (DayZ)

    Eternal loading screen

    Guys, check the announcement forum. Tread carefully, though.
  7. Remix (DayZ)

    Eternal loading screen

    Hi, It's a recongised problem relating to patch 1.7.2. I believe the newest hotfix fixes this. Cheers
  8. Remix (DayZ)

    Can't play other maps while DayZ is installed

    Due to you copying the files to the arma folder, it seems you are unable to play arma. I suggest a complete reinstall and using Six Launcher (for DayZ) so you can launch .exe to play Arma. Cheers.
  9. Remix (DayZ)

    DayZ CA_Dubbing_Counterattack

    Hi, Are you able to play this game with this error..?
  10. Hi, Try launching with Six Launcher.
  11. No, it will not install malicious software. It is the official launcher for DayZ. Six Launcher and Six Updater will greatly assist you. Enjoy playing!
  12. Remix (DayZ)

    Ingame Browser Problem

    Hi, Everything in this video seems completely normal. You'll need to wait for the servers to load. Cheers.
  13. I haven't read the thread at all, but I agree with OP.
  14. Remix (DayZ)

    Dayz Anim requires addon CA_Missions_BAF_2

    I believe you should still be able to play with this error report.
  15. Alright, try: - Run Steam as an admin. Steam has to edit the registry to apply Arma 2 keys when you run the game. - Launch Arma and Operation Arrowhead individually on their own. - Check the integrity files of Operation Arrowhead via steam. - Launch using Six Launcher
  16. Remix (DayZ)

    DayZ 1.7.2 Stuck on Loading Screen..

    Hi, The new hotfix ( fixes the loading bug. See the announcement section of the forum. Cheers.
  17. Remix (DayZ)

    Impossible for me to join a server...

    Fortunately this is why the build is still in Alpha state. If it's really bothering you, come back when the build is in Beta and you help test that version instead. @OP, I am unable to help you due to lack of information. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/21114-please-fill-out-before-making-a-thread/ Cheers!
  18. I'm not quite sure what "pointing" means, but just follow my advice above and come back to me if you still have any issues. Cheers.
  19. Remix (DayZ)

    Split person (I have 2 characters?)

    Ah, sorry to hear. Hopefully the new hotifx ( fixes this issue. Check the announcement section of the forum, the new hotfix is there. Sorry I couldn't help you more!
  20. Okay: - Run Steam as an admin. Steam has to edit the registry to apply Arma 2 keys when you run the game. - Launch Arma and Operation Arrowhead individually on their own. - Check the integrity files of Operation Arrowhead via steam. - Launch using Six Launcher Enjoy playing!
  21. That's... so strange. Last option here: Uninstall the game and delete its reg keys. Reinstall it, update it and use Six Launcher. Ensure you follow this carefully on reinstall: http://dayzwiki.com/wiki/index.php?title=How_to_install_DayZ#DayZ_Steam_installation
  22. You failed to answer these two questions, essentially the most important thing: *Which version of the game did you purchase? STEAM or RETAIL or MIXED: *Are you running an Arma 2 OA beta patch? If so what version?:
  23. Remix (DayZ)

    Arma II lags at main menu

    Yeah, no worries! Sorry, it's 4:30am here in Australia so I'm probably just tired and grouchy haha. Firstly, reinstall everything back to where you were. I can see why you uninstalled everything, but you may have accidently left the "@DayZ" folder in the Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead directory? Install instructions: http://dayzwiki.com/...am_installation Some basic troubleshooting for you, which adresses many issues including low FPS bugs: - Run Steam as an admin. Steam has to edit the registry to apply Arma 2 keys when you run the game. - Launch Arma and Operation Arrowhead individually. - Check the integrity files of Operation Arrowhead via steam (this may help you!) - Restart your PC after all this. - Ensure you're running from Six Launcher. - Cross your fingers. Let me know if this helps mate, although I might fall asleep soon as I'm typing this from my bed! Edit: Have you installed the Arma beta? http://dayzwiki.com/...RMA2_Beta_patch Edit2: Ctrl+Alt+Delete - what are your processes like in the background?