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Everything posted by theOnlyDrSalamy

  1. theOnlyDrSalamy

    pbo export Road asset Error

    Hey everybody, i have already posted this in the Arma 3 Terrain Builder forum, but no one there could help with this problem, so Im trying my luck here. For the last week or so I have been getting into Terrain Builder to create my own custom Map. So far, I have been stumbling my way through the process with the help of tutorials and forum posts. Up until now, I have managed to somehow solve the numerous Problems that present themselves through the very unintuitiv process of using Terrain Builder. But now I have encountered an error that I just cant understand, and there seems to be nobody on the Internet that had the same problem Here is the Problem: When I try placing roads, I can place the Road Parts and edit them in Buldozer, no problem. But when I try to export my map to .pbo, I always get the same error message: "A binarised copy of DZ\structures\roads\parts\mud_6.p3d is missing and needs to be built in temp" I have tried using different methods like using Shape Lines, using the Road Tool, just placing Roads like objects, reloading the asset library into the Project, unpacking the Game Data again with dayz2p. I have even completely re-installed dayz and dayz tools. Nothing works. Can anybody help me with this Problem? Thx
  2. theOnlyDrSalamy

    pbo export Road asset Error

    Thank you for your answer! What exactly is the difference between a binarised and a non-binarised p3d? And where do I find/make the binarised p3d?