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Mr Flopsie

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Everything posted by Mr Flopsie

  1. Mr Flopsie

    Pending Update: Build

    The tent bug is placed under "In procces changelog(WIP)" What does that mean ? Been a while since I last played
  2. Mr Flopsie

    Start without any backpack.

    I don't necessarily agree with you. But I once stood in a supermarket with only backpack drops. where 4 of them were ALICE packs, lol ..
  3. Mr Flopsie

    Probally shouldn't have removed respawn

    Stick a coin in your keyboard so that the W/Z key is pressed down and swim to the shores
  4. Mr Flopsie

    Dayz is a mod for ARMA!

    I agree, here. I just received a gift on steam and I'm downloading Arma as we speak. The main reason I wanted Arma is indeed for DayZ. I hope I find some time between work and a dozen of other games to play the normal game too.