I have only been playing a few months, but cars were the bane in my life, I was about to quite the game because the effort to put one together and just freeze crash and die was driving me crazy. I got my own server thinking it would fix the issue and it did not. I had to plan weekends to drive at 5 mph to move around even trying to drive at zone lines only to learn you sink in the sand. Then patch 1.21 came out. I am back in the game now, I drove a truck 50 mph to move my camp, wife got hit by a nuke and hit 100 mph in Humvee and got away. I drove from one coast to the next with just minor hiccups. So I just want to say THANK YOU for bring me back into the game.
Family and I are traveling around in caravan now moving camps. So again THANK YOU FOR FIXING CARS. Now the only thing I could think of would be maybe a Helicopter and Motorcycle. PLEASE!!!