First off Id like to say suicide is a sore topic and while its a great add to the game, If you are feeling suicidal please don't feel like you're a trouble or a nuisance to anyone. There's always someone somewhere that would be more than happy to listen to you and help you work through whatever battles you're going through.
Now, Id like to suggest that there be a couple more options added to the F11 option board.
Many times I have found myself in Official without a Knife or operable firearm. Several times Recently I found that I did in fact have rope though.
Using Rope with it in hand, We should have the option to walk up to a tree and press F11 and it animate looking up then back down and a slight fall animation. In times of uncertainty, If you really truly wanted to die, Hanging is MUCH easier than taking a knife to your own arm or head As statistics show.
I also believe it would be a great option to add a Jumping F11 aniimation option from the top of buildings where your character plummets head first towards the ground before Black screen.
I have several other ideas but these are 2 that Id like to see implemented as the National suicide board shows these 2 things among top suicide statistics.