I did not find losing zombies easy at all, of course today was my first day of the game. After finding I had no gun (youtube lied to me) I manged several lives where I would scavenge and axe and lead them up a ladder. I found a rifle and bled to death while running from 15 or more. I found it very tough. I opened an online map and checked my position, I scouted the closest town but was killed. I understand losing them through buildings. I do, but if I have even one zombie on me I have to run for five minutes before finding a barn to hide in. I did not like it. I did have some fun and did kill one of a two part team shooting at me from afar (the time I found the rifle). The biggest problem with this, for me, is zombie super hearing. If I can't start with a gun at least make my crouched aimwalk quiet, and make gunshots heard around the world. That would make it easier searching for a gun and if every zombie in 400 meters was called down on on the bandits that would at least distract them.