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About Flipside

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. I'm really looking for a friendly group of people to play with. I don't really want to play by myself so I haven't spent much time playing even though I have owned the game for a bout 3 days. I'm 18 and I have a mic and I'm willing to us TS3. PM me if I can join in on the fun. See you in Chernarus.
  2. Steam: irandoivi Skype: irand0ivi I'm really looking for a good group of people to play with. I think this is the right place to be. I hope to meet some nice people and survive together. :) See you out there fellow survivors.
  3. Yes I have a mic, what is your steam? I will add you.
  4. Hello everyone, I'm looking for a group of people to play with. I'm 18 from the US and in the EST timezone. I'm a mature person and looking for a somewhat serious group of players. PM me here or add me on steam. My Steam I.D. is irandoivi
  5. Flipside

    Introduce yourselves

    Hey everyone, I'm Daniel AKA Flipside. I just bought the game today and I'm still learning the basics. I hope to see many of you in game and do a little surviving together. Happy zombie hunting!
  6. I need a group of people to play with. I have a quality mic and will voice chat on most any voip client. My steam i.d. is irandoivi, add me :P!