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About Flylow1

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Flylow1

    can't open backpack

    You have to be looking at items on the floor and then open gear, then your backpack and you can see slots and whats in it.
  2. Flylow1

    Driving Cars in DayZ

    Lol well this is what happens when no one can tell who is enemy and who is friendly ever since bandit skins were taken out so i guess youll just have to keep trying till u get lucky ;p
  3. Flylow1

    How many survivors did you killed

    9 atm and still kickin (:
  4. Ban please, one more d/cing coward out of the DayZ community. Thank you
  5. Ahh, I remember the first time I used a grenade. It was in the church of Pogorevka. Me and a friend of mine were looting it when 2 guys start to come through the door, i yell "2 guys coming in!" my friend runs to the other side of the door and shoots but is ended with a shot to the head. I start to panic and remember the HE grenade i picked up awhile back. Thinking I'm going to die i jokingly yell "They'll never take me alive!!!" and throw the nade. I end up killing both of them on spot. I couldn't get over how i lived but i ended up living with around 3k blood and looted the bodies waiting for my friend to return for his gear. Pretty fun first nade (:.
  6. Flylow1

    F*CK all the players!

    I've been shot by someone i could vocally talk to before...soooo don't trust anyone (:. Problem solved ;D.
  7. Flylow1

    Items Gone

    Date/Time: 6/19/12 11:37 What happened: Items that we stored in my tent were gone. I know for sure they were not taken because all the old tents I put down and got rid of were also back but there were about 2-3 stacked on top on each other. Where you were: N/A What you were doing: Died and came back to see nothing in the text *Current installed version: *Server(s) you were on: US 43 Chicago *Your system specs: AMD Phenom II X6 1035T Processor 2.60 GHz 8.00 GB 64-bit Operating System *Timeline of events before/after error: Put items in tent. Died about 3-4 times after that. Came back. Found nothing and there were extra tents that I took down before dying. Also wondering if a server restart would fix it?