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Everything posted by aare-ed1061e284861b62

  1. aare-ed1061e284861b62

    Experimental Update 1.24 (Change Log)

    Working with hammer no sound. Add new features: Base build platforms without ladder. Cars should have options to cover with camo and trucks with two camos.
  2. aare-ed1061e284861b62

    Stable Update 1.23

    After 1.23 update
  3. aare-ed1061e284861b62

    Experimental Update 1.23 (Change Log)

    On airfield stuff spawns in places where before were building, now just runway or just empty land. zombies walking in middle off nowhere.
  4. aare-ed1061e284861b62

    Experimental Update 1.23 (Change Log)

    base on airfield is in the air now ,you can walk under fence. vehicles are on ground. there is no access to seachest anymore. can walk thru barrels.sun makes shadow in the sky. last main server update M1025 drives better than this experimental update. at least sky looks great 🙂 ubuntu experimental server.
  5. aare-ed1061e284861b62

    Experimental Update 1.21 (Change Log)

    ubuntu server ANIMATION (E): Can't load Bliss/Anims/cfg/skeletons.anim.xml ANIMATION (E): Failed to open file, line 0, column 0 RESOURCES (E): Failed to open object @"dz/anims/anm/player/reloads/Crossbow/crossbow_states.anm" RESOURCES (E): Failed to open object @"dz/anims/anm/player/reloads/AKS74U/w_AKS74U_states.anm" RESOURCES (E): Failed to open object @"dz/anims/anm/player/reloads/mp113/w_mp113_states.anm"