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About KodyJ4117

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    On the Coast
  1. KodyJ4117

    Console Update 1.21

    Every update that gets added to console the dev team fucks up something then we got to wait to a week later or more for them to fix there mistakes also maybe next console update add something useful. Last update you guys fucked up the json and made it to were cars can't drive this update you added some stupid login timer bs and made it so people can walk through walls let's not also forgot how you turned cars into dam feathers
  2. --------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome To New Beginnings Livonia 32 Slots (Xbox) What do we have to offer -GROWING COMMUNITY - -Short Nights- -2 hour server resets- -Bounties- -Kill-feed- -Guns can be found in houses- -A NEW FRESH SERVER- -Giveaways once we reach 50 members- -A owner who will listen to his community- -High boosted loot- -Friendly staff- -Full and packed cars- -Super stores located in Glinskia, Nybor- -5 Castle bases around the map you can move in- -Two Trader's- -Mouse and Keyboard Enable- -Build anywhere (Besides Sitnick Trader And Super Stores). -Base pings will be given out for free for factions along with truck and hummer spawns. ------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT -IF YOU PLAN ON GOING TO THE SITNICK TRADER MAKE A TICKET IN DISCORD- -KILLING IN TRADER IS A AUTO BAN ALONG WITH BUILDING- -RED ARM BANDS ARE FOR THE STAFF TEAM WEARING A RED ARM BAND WILL RESULT IN A WARN THEN A KICK THEN A BAN- -WHITE ARMBANDS ARE FOR SOLO PLAYERS ONLY- --------------------------------------------------------------------- SERVER INFO -New Beginnings Livonia 32 Slots -Discord -https://discord.gg/nb-dayz