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Everything posted by ssp0929

  1. Because OP started this thread I'm going to hunt down more and more survivors without weapons. Can't stand these "OMG YOU KILLED ME ITS NOT FAIR" players. I got killed plenty of times, guess what. I didn't QQ about it on the forums and try to turn everyone into faggot ass carebears. I don't mind people helping. Start your own groups and help each other, but don't expect us bandits to do the same.
  2. This. Its a part of the game. Most of the time I kill people for their loot, sometimes I kill people because they are possible future threats to me (they have a gun). In either case its for my benefit, not just because I like to spontaneously kill people.
  3. ssp0929


    OP crying about getting spawnkilled. I'm going to go spawnkill. Seriously, all you have are a flashlight, bandage, and painkiller. Are you really going to cry about losing that?
  4. People crying about getting killed by bandits? The bigger problem are zombies and their spidey senses. If someone has better loot than me I will shoot and kill them to take their stuff. Stop whining about getting killed by other players. If you get shot and killed it means you weren't sneaking/hiding well enough. That's your own fucking fault.
  5. In real life there is no such thing as a zombie apocalypse. Stop spreading this crappy logic.
  6. ssp0929

    No competent player should die

    That's an absolute lmao.
  7. ssp0929

    RIP DayZ - Yogcast started a LP

  8. ssp0929

    RIP DayZ - Yogcast started a LP

    Lol I got top comment! EDIT: And then all top comments disappeared. :(
  9. I've got killed so many times trying to be nice. So I decided I'm going to kill everyone I see, even weaponless noobs for my own benefit.