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About -MrHyde-

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    On the Coast
  1. -MrHyde-


    It would be great to be able to modify vehicles, clothing and bases, on console. For vehicles I'd like to be able to add defensive panels against bullets and zombies, I.e. ram bars plated windows, head light and tail light covers. Being able to modify your look! Open or closes jacket, being able to wear your hood up. Crafting variations of clothing you wear, like removing sleeves or fingers on gloves, being able to wear your hat backwards and being able to attach more items to back packs/ rucksacks like gas masks or magazines. When it comes to bases on console it would be nice to board up windows instead of building a wall in front of them, or even being able to use sheet metal shutters that you can interact with. Home defensive traps, shotgun traps that go off if someone breaches your door. Not sure what if any of these you could actually implement in the game these are just ideas that would be great in my opinion. One last thing I'd really love to have an m1a socom rifle in game on console just give it the same ammo as the m4 and attachments. Dayz is the one game that I have played that is never the same each time I play it, it has an amazing amount of room to just keep growing.