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Everything posted by DarthYodaSoda

  1. DarthYodaSoda


    JSON ERROR: Missing a comma or ']' after an array element. Function: 'Error' Stack trace: scripts/1_Core/proto\endebug.c:92 scripts/3_Game/tools\jsonfileloader.c:29 JM/CF/Scripts/3_Game/communityframework\mods\modstructure.c:71 JM/CF/Scripts/3_Game/communityframework\mods\modloader.c:163 JM/CF/Scripts/4_World/communityframework\modstorage\cf_modstorageobject.c:17 JM/CF/Scripts/4_World/communityframework\entities\buildingbase.c:1 I have this showing up in my crash logs for days i been trying to find any missing comma or ] in all my mods configs by copying every json file cofigs code into https://jsonlint.com/ , and it seems like its not finding any errors. i legit spent days looking through and cant seem to find the issue. if anyone has and idea please tell. unless its just a mod its self that coded incorrectly.
  2. DarthYodaSoda


    just wish dayz told u which file, i been searching through all my mods folders with json files and i cant find anything, dont seem like any issues on the server either from what i can tell all my mods run fine.
  3. DarthYodaSoda


    so maybe i have quotes empty that should be filled in then? or just removed. cus i never use tab instead of a space.
  4. im trying to figure out how to find out the owner of a territory flag. is there a way to find that out? or do i need to use a mod.
  5. DarthYodaSoda

    as a server owner, how do i find out territory flag pole owners?

    server side mod i assume
  6. DarthYodaSoda

    as a server owner, how do i find out territory flag pole owners?

  7. DarthYodaSoda

    as a server owner, how do i find out territory flag pole owners?

    so maybe the reason why its not showing is cus i have a mod called instant flag pole?
  8. DarthYodaSoda

    as a server owner, how do i find out territory flag pole owners?

    yea i got that enabled aswell. hmm
  9. DarthYodaSoda

    reserved slots?

    is there a way to set reserved slots on days, so if a server is full the admins can get in?
  10. DarthYodaSoda

    as a server owner, how do i find out territory flag pole owners?

    thats what i thought but there are no logs for that i only see raise and lower flag logs and i do have that placement log set to 1
  11. my server seems to be running fine but i noticed ever since i installed the trader mod, i get crash logs in every start up NULL pointer to instance Class: 'SurvivorBase' Entity id:0 Function: 'Init' Stack trace: VFD/scripts/4_World/entities\manbase\playerbase.c:24 VPPAdminTools/4_World/vppadmintools\entities\playerbase.c:26 Dayz_Dog/Scripts/4_World/overrides\playerbase.c:22 LIAZ_677RF\scripts\4_World/entities\manbase\playerbase.c:18 BaseBuildingPlus/scripts/4_World/overrides\playerbase.c:7 BBPItemPack/Scripts/4_World/overrides\playerbase.c:7 scripts/4_World/entities\manbase\playerbase.c:283 TM/Trader/scripts/5_Mission/mission\missionserver.c:412 TM/Trader/scripts/5_Mission/mission\missionserver.c:63 VPPAdminTools/5_Mission/vppadmintools\missionserver.c:38 ZenCauseOfDeath/scripts/5_Mission/mission\missionserver.c:5 ZenFireWood/scripts/5_Mission/missionserver.c:6 MuchCarKey/Scripts/5_Mission/missionserver.c:12 SchanaModGlobalChat/Mission/mission\missionserver.c:3 BaseBuildingPlus/scripts/5_Mission/mission\missionserver.c:34 usualy this is spammed like 4 or 5 times in the log
  12. DarthYodaSoda

    wipe ground loot but not persistent loot

    looked more into that, that line will despawn every floor loot but also placed items and objects like builds....
  13. DarthYodaSoda

    wipe ground loot but not persistent loot

    im trying to figure out whats the correct way of deleting the spawned ground loot without it effecting players persistent items that they have placed down. i was thinking, in economy <dynamic init="1" load="1" respawn="1" save="1"/> changing this, i believe this would only effect spawned floor loot?
  14. DarthYodaSoda

    Why loot spawning 1 type per category?

    i lowered them for sure but still having issues , same stuff keeps spawning every military base just has the vaiga and makes no sense because i set the nominal for basically for each military rifle weapon loot pretty close to each other just maybe off by 10 -15 different theres never any pistols either, just one gun type, and every residential area just seems to have bk18 or mk11s... i tried wiping the server loot and restarting it to see if newer loot spawns but its the same the weapons is the only thing doing this, everything else for loot seems find its all random this is what i see at every military base or air field i sorted the esp to only show rifle and pistol base, never see a single pistol or any other kind of rifle https://gyazo.com/bd3d1fbbb865a9365d8a36f357085ce8 https://gyazo.com/40694e12faa333d3a10e566f74a3f8a5
  15. DarthYodaSoda

    Why loot spawning 1 type per category?

    m currently in the process of making a server i adjusted all the loot rates on how many items spawn in, but im having an issue i go log into the map and look around and noticing its only spawning 1 type of gun for each group like for pistols itll just be all mk11 for ar's itll be all vaiga, shotgun would just be bk18 i legit would look at every town and military base and see the same types. .. just 3 or 4 guns types and no others.. i looked through my types file to see if i messed anything up but i couldnt see it unless it passed it or its somthing small.. https://drive.google.com/file/d/15miQi4jq3loQGg_whUoGRU01e8JnvZw2/view?usp=sharing
  16. DarthYodaSoda

    Why loot spawning 1 type per category?

    haha yea i just noticed, im not sure how that happened maybe when i was messing with the https://dzsa.tools/ but its just odd , the vaiga isnt set high but still spawns all over .